
A collection of gitlab-ci examples

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of gitlab-ci examples


Please note that these workflows are compatible with dokku >= 0.11.6.


All examples require a SSH_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable set for the Gitlab CI pipeline. This may be set via a "secret variable". See this doc for instructions on creating a new ssh key. Be careful not to overwrite existing keys on the generating machine by using a new name.

Adding a secret variable

Browse to the repository in question and visit the following path: the Gitlab project > Settings > CI/CD.

Click on Secret variables > Expand and fill in the blanks.


  • Value: paste in an SSH private key registered in Dokku:

    -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

  • Environment scope: production (This make sure that SSH_PRIVATE_KEY is not available on merge requests or tests)

  • Protected: Do not check this checkbox unless you know what you are doing

Environment Variables

  • BRANCH: (optional) The branch to deploy when pushing to Dokku. Useful when a custom deploy branch is set on Dokku.

    • default: master
    • example value: main
  • CI_BRANCH_NAME: (optional) The branch name that triggered the deploy. Automatically detected from CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME.

    • example value: develop
  • CI_COMMIT: (optional) The commit sha that will be pushed. Automatically detected from CI_COMMIT_SHA.

    • example value: 0aa00d8dd7c971c121e3d1e471d0a35e1daf8abe
  • COMMAND: (optional) The command to run for the action.

    • default: deploy
    • valid values:
      • deploy
      • review-apps:create: Used to create a review app - via dokku apps:clone - based on the appname configured in the git_remote_url. If the review app already exists, this action will not recreate the app. In both cases, the current commit will be pushed to the review app.
      • review-apps:destroy: Destroys an existing review app.
  • GIT_PUSH_FLAGS: (optional) A string containing a set of flags to set on push. This may be used to enable force pushes, or trigger verbose log output from git.

    • example value: --force -vvv
  • GIT_REMOTE_URL: (required) The dokku app's git repository url in SSH format.

    • example value: ssh://dokku@dokku.myhost.ca:22/appname
  • REVIEW_APP_NAME: (optional) The name of the review app to create or destroy. Computed as review-$APPNAME-$BRANCH_NAME if not specified, where:

    $APPNAME: The parsed app name from the `git_remote_url`
    $BRANCH_NAME: The inflected git branch name
    • example value: review-appname
  • SSH_HOST_KEY: (optional) The results of running ssh-keyscan -t rsa $HOST. The github-action will otherwise generate this on the fly via ssh-keyscan.

    • example value:

      # dokku.com:22 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.1
      dokku.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCvS+lK38EEMdHGb...
  • SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: (required) A private ssh key that has push access to the Dokku instance.

    • tip: It is recommended to use Encrypted Secrets to store sensitive information such as SSH Keys.

    • example value:



All examples below are functionally complete and can be copy-pasted into a .gitlab-ci.yml file, with some minor caveats:

  • The GIT_REMOTE_URL should be changed to match the server and app.
  • An Gitlab Variable should be set on the Gitlab repository with the name SSH_PRIVATE_KEY containing the contents of a private ssh key that has been added to the Dokku installation via the dokku ssh-keys:add command.
  • As pushing a git repository from a shallow clone does not work, all repository checkouts should use a GIT_DEPTH of 0. All examples below have this option set correctly.

For simplicity, each example is standalone, but may be combined as necessary to create the desired effect.

  • Simple Example: Deploys a codebase on push or merge to master.

  • Build in CI and Deploy an image: Builds a docker image in CI, pushes the image to the remote Docker Hub repository, and then notifies Dokku to deploy the built image.

  • Cancel previous runs on new push: This pipeline is particularly useful when triggered by new pushes.

  • Avoid SSH Host Keyscan: By default, this action will scan the host for it's SSH host key and use that value directly. This may not be desirable for security compliance reasons.

    The SSH_HOST_KEY value can be retrieved by calling ssh-keyscan -t rsa $HOST, where $HOST is the Dokku server's hostname.

  • Specify a custom deploy branch: Certain Dokku installations may use custom deploy branches other than master. In the following example, we push to the develop branch.

  • Verbose Push Logging: Verbose client-side logging may be enabled with this method. Note that this does not enable trace mode on the deploy, and simply tells the git client to enable verbose log output

  • Force Pushing: If the remote app has been previously pushed manually from a location other than CI, it may be necessary to enable force pushing to avoid git errors.

  • Review Apps: Handles creation and deletion of review apps through use of dokku apps:clone and dokku apps:destroy. Review apps are a great way to allow folks to preview pull request changes before they get merged to production.

    • Placing a shell script at bin/ci-pre-deploy can be used to reconfigure the app, as shown in this example.