
Automatic workflows for extension developers

Primary LanguagePHP

GitHub Workflows for DokuWiki Extension Development

This repository contains GitHub Actions and reusable workflows for DokuWiki Extension Development.

By simply reusing the provided standard workflow, extension developers always have an up-to-date toolchain for their development. This includes:

  • correct PHP versions for unit testing against DokuWiki stable and master
  • code style checks
  • automatic code fixes for style, PHP compatibility and deprecated code
  • improvements to the toolchain are automatically applied to all extensions using the workflow


The workflows defined in this repository are designed to be reusable for any DokuWiki extension. They are designed to be used in a repository that contains a single DokuWiki extension.

When creating a new extension using the DokuWiki Plugin Wizard, the workflow will be automatically added to your repository.

Using the addTest command of the dev plugin will also add the workflow to your repository.

For manually adding the workflow to your repository, simply create a .github/workflows/dokuwiki.yml file with the following contents and all standard tooling will be run on every push and on pull requests. It will also run once a month to check for updates to the toolchain and DokuWiki updates.

name: DokuWiki Default Tasks
    - cron: '0 5 1 * *' # run on the first of every month at 5am UTC

permissions: write-all

    uses: dokuwiki/github-action/.github/workflows/all.yml@main


The workflow example given above will set very relaxed write permissions. This ensures that future updates to the workflows provided in this repository will automatically run on your extension.

The permissons that are actually used in each individual job are defined in the reusable workflows. GitHub will drop privileges to the minimum required for each job.

If you're uncomfortable with giving blanket write permissions, you can also manually define minimal permissions instead, but may have to update your workflow manually in the future.

Important: to be able to create Pull Requests, an additional setting has to be enabled in the Web UI of your repository. You'll find it under Settings -> Actions -> General -> Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests. For organizations, this setting can be enabled globally for the whole organization.


If you run into issues with the workflows defined in this repository, please open a bug report. Please be sure to include all necessary log output.


Note this info is mostly for developers of this repository. If you're just using the workflows, you probably don't need to read this.


Uses the phpmatrix action to create the appropriate strategy matrixes for testing against the master and stable branches. These matrixes are then used in the test.yml workflow.


This workflow first checks all php files for syntax errors, then executes all unit tests that have been marked with the @group plugin_example annotation.

The PHP and DokuWiki versions to be used are supplied as JSON via input variables.

The workflow will run on every push and on pull requests.


This workflow checks the code style of the extension using PHP code sniffer. It uses the coding style defined in DokuWiki master.

It will run on every push and on pull requests.


This workflow runs rector and phpcbf to automatically fix coding style issues, PHP compatibility and deprecation issues. The result is committed to a new branch and a pull request is created (See Permissions above for details on how to enable this).

It will run on every push on branches master, main and devel.



This action will extract the minphp and maxphp values from the plugin.info.txt and match them with the PHP versions supported by the DokuWiki core. This is done for the stable and master branches of DokuWiki.

It will then create a JSON string that can be used as input for the matrix strategy in GitHub Actions.

The action will set the following outputs:

  • stable_matrix: The JSON matrix string for the stable branch
  • master_matrix: The JSON matrix string for the master branch
  • minphp: The minimum PHP version supported by the extension


This action will run the following steps:

  1. Determine if your extension is a plugin or template
  2. Move your extension to the correct location in a DokuWiki installation (i.e. lib/plugins or lib/tpl)
  3. Clone the DokuWiki core repository
  4. Install any dependencies for your extension as defined in a requirements.txt file

The action requires the following inputs:

  • branch: The branch of the DokuWiki core repository to use. Defaults to master.

The action will set the following outputs:

  • type: The type of extension (i.e. plugin or template)
  • base: The base name of the extension (i.e. example)
  • dir: The directory name of the extension (i.e. lib/plugins/example)

The action is used in the reusable workflows defined in this repository.

The action can be run locally using node 16 and the following command:

INPUT_BRANCH=master node ~/path/to/dokuenv/index.js


When improving on the workflows or actions, you should do so in a separate branch. A test plugin can then reference this branch instead of the main branch of this repository.

Until this issue is not fixed, all the workflows reference actions by hardcoded repository@branch. These references need to be changed to your devel branch during development. The following command will do this for you:

php fixbranch.php <branch>

Be sure to change back the branch references to main before merging your changes back into the main branch.

php fixbranch.php main