
Exploitation Training -- CVE-2013-2028: Nginx Stack Based Buffer Overflow

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Exploitation Training -- CVE-2013-2028: Nginx Stack Based Buffer Overflow

Original repository : https://github.com/kitctf/nginxpwn I edited the Vagrantfile and add exploit codes. I also write a tutorial that explain how to solve it. If you are interested, refer to following links.

[English Version] writing...

[Korean Version]

  1. Explaination of vulnerable source code: http://dokydoky.tistory.com/448
  2. How to Exploit in the environment of NX : http://dokydoky.tistory.com/449
  3. How to Exploit in the environment of NX, ASLR : http://dokydoky.tistory.com/450
  4. How to Exploit in the environment of NX, ASLR, Canary : http://dokydoky.tistory.com/451

Original READMD.md is following

This repository contains the nginx 1.4.0 source code as well as precompiled binaries (with and without stack cookies). There's also a Vagrantfile for easy setup.

Announcement and patch: http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-announce/2013/000112.html Bug writeup: http://www.vnsecurity.net/research/2013/05/21/analysis-of-nginx-cve-2013-2028.html


vagrant up
vagrant ssh


sudo /vagrant/bin/nginx1

Nginx is exposed on port 80 inside the VM on port 8080 outside (on the host).

# Inside VM

# Outside VM


sudo gdb /vagrant/bin/nginx1
gdb> set follow-fork-mode child
gdb> r

Obtaining/generating these files

You don't need to do this to develop your exploit, this is mostly just for the record.

Getting the source code

# Clone repository
hg clone http://hg.nginx.org/nginx
# See tags
hg tags
# Checkout 1.4.0
hg up 7809529022b8


Without stack cookies:

./auto/configure --without-http_rewrite_module --without-http_gzip_module
vim objs/Makefile
# Add '-fno-stack-protector' to the CFLAGS
make -j4
sudo make install

With stack cookies:

./auto/configure --without-http_rewrite_module --without-http_gzip_module
make -j4
sudo make install


# Webroot in /usr/local/nginx/html/
sudo ./objs/nginx