Ultimate Fox Deterrent
Flashes LEDs and makes noise when a fox is near
Parts list
- Arduino Uno
- DS3231 for time keeping
- HC-SR501 for motion sensing x4
- 5V 5050 LED strip
- Solar panel
- Battery
- USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger - v2 - here
Power Calculations
Best case sunny day
Medium solar panel - 6V 2W = 333.3 mA
Huge solar panel - 6V 6W = 1000 mA
Arduino Uno 16Hz Sleep enabled - 3.14 mA
Arduino Uno 16Hz No Sleep - 19.9 mA
2500 mAh
Time for full charge
Medium Solar Panel
2500 mAh / 333.3 * 1.2 (for inefficiency) = 9 hours
Huge Solar Panel
2500 mAh / 1000 * 1.2 (for inefficiency) = 3 hours
How long will it last
No Solar
No Sleep
2500 mAh / 19.9 mA * 0.7 (For inefficiency) = 87.9 hours
2500 mAh / 3.14 mA * 0.7 (For inefficiency) = 557.3 hours
If the rate of charge exceeds the rate of usage, it should be fine?