
I use nix, between ™️, for 2 reasons:

  1. to configure my host MacOS
  2. to configure a Linux VM for my development work and any other work I can get away with (not a big fan of MacOS desktop - hardware is top notch though).

What do I use in the Linux VM

  1. Window manager: i3 (modkey: option, option+d to find programs, option+hjkl to move around, option+shift+e to exit, option+shift+q to close, option+f to go full screen)
  2. Statusbar: polybar
  3. Terminal: alacritty
  4. Shell: fish (ctr+r to browse history using fzf)
  5. Term multiplexer: tmux (ctrl+a) - a terminal with tmux is opened automatically when the system starts. Ctrl+A+f to find projects. Projects are assumed to be under $HOME/projects/work and $HOME/projects/personal.
  6. Editors: neovim and vscode
  7. Languages: Go, Java (I know, I know...), Python, Lua, Nix
  8. File Manager: lf (cli) and xfce thunar (graphical)
  9. Notes: Obsidian
  10. File viewer: Evince and Zathura
  11. Browser: Chromium and Firefox (not customized)
  12. Cloud and virtualization: docker, minikube, azure cli, kubectl, helm
  13. General Theme: rose pine

Important Remarks

If you are using this and you are not me:

  • "I don't like X". This was highly customized to fit my current workflow. If you plan to use it, I suggest you fork the code.
  • I'm not an expert in NixOS, so yeah, the files could use some clean up and I will get ther one day.
  • The point of NixOS is to make the system reproducible, so I tend to keep as much configuration under control of nix as possible. I recognize this can be annoying as every change require a system rebuild.
  • Some files to watch out for if you want to change mappings/keybindings:
    • system/nixos/tmux/tmux.conf
    • home/i3.nix
    • home/neovim/setup/mappings.lua
    • home/neovim/setup/lsp.lua


Linux VM

  1. Download NixOS minimal ISO
  2. Using UTM or Parallels, create a VM using the downloaded iso
  3. Dpi is set to 192, so don't forget to set retina mode
  4. sudo -i

  5. curl -sS|sh

  6. answer a few questions throughout the way (destination device, login name, full Name and the root password)
  7. reboot

  8. when rebooting, the system will automatically login as the user entered during the install step. Don't forget to set a password
  9. after rebooting don't forget to clone this repo under projects/personal
  10. if you are having issues with screen resolution (and have set retina mode in the VM configuration), try running
  11. xrandr --output Virtual-1 --auto

Mac OS

  1. follow the instructions here

Ideas and inspiration