
CLI todolist, written in go

Primary LanguageGo


Welldone is a CLI todolist.

🚀 Quickstart

Prerequisite: You need to have Go 1.15.5 or higher on your computer.

Install script

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doliG/welldone/main/install.sh)"

Manual installation

go get -u github.com/doliG/welldone
go install github.com/doliG/welldone


zsh: command not found: welldone

Just make sure that GOPATH is in your env. If not:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
# Or ".bashrc" or any ".rc" that you use to configure your shell.

📰 Usage

# Add a todo
welldone add "Do something"

# List todos
welldone list [-a]

# Mark as done / undone
welldone toggle [id id2 id3...]

# Edit
welldone edit [id] [-m "New name"]

ℹ️ What's next ?

I do have a lot of stuff to do, and a lot of ideas. If you're interessed in develpment of this package, feel free to open an issue or a PR.

> Read more in MILESTONES.md