
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Superbelt Store

The objective is to build an ecommerce shop for a company so that they can offer and sell their products online.


AS A developer

I WANT to create an e-commerce platform for a small business
SO THAT their clients can have access to their catalog and the option to purchase their products


GIVEN an e-commerce platform
WHEN I open my application
THEN I should see the home page where all products are displayed
WHEN I click on one of the categories
THEN I find that the products displayed have been filter to match the category selected
WHEN I click on one of the products
THEN the I am re-directed to a detail product page with additional information
WHEN I click on the back button
THEN I am taken back to the Home page
WHEN I click on one of the products "Add to cart" button
THEN the cart opens and displays the added product inside shopping cart
WHEN click on the Signup option in Nav
THEN I am re-directed to a Signup page where I can input my information and create user
WHEN I click on Login option in Nav
THEN I am re-directed to the Login page, where I can input my credentials to log in
WHEN I click on the About option in Nav
THEN I am re-directed to the About page, where I can read more about the company

WHEN I click on the cart
THEN I find that I can Checkout my shopping cart
WHEN I click on checkout
THEN I am re-directed to a stripe checkout page to input credit card for payment
WHEN I click on Order History in Nav
THEN I am re-directed to an Orders page where I can view my past orders
WHEN I click on the Install button
THEN I download my web application as an icon on my desktop
WHEN I load my web application
THEN I should have a registered service worker using workbox
WHEN I register a service worker
THEN I should have my static assets pre cached upon loading along with subsequent pages and static assets

alt text

Click here to see the repo on gitHub.