Regex Tutorial

This tutorial is going to explain the use of regex to match emails using the expression /^([a-z0-9_.-]+)@([\da-z.-]+).([a-z.]{2,6})$/. This can be useful when validating emails using applications/technologies such as Node (Inqurier) or MongoDB.


AS A web development student I WANT a tutorial explaining a specific regex SO THAT I can understand the search pattern the regex defines


GIVEN a regex tutorial
WHEN I open the tutorial
THEN I see a descriptive title and introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the tutorial, a summary describing the regex featured in the tutorial, a table of contents linking to different sections that break down each component of the regex and explain what it does, and a section about the author with a link to the author’s GitHub profile
WHEN I click on the links in the table of contents
THEN I am taken to the corresponding sections of the tutorial
WHEN I read through each section of the tutorial
THEN I find a detailed explanation of what a specific component of the regex does
WHEN I reach the end of the tutorial
THEN I find a section about the author and a link to the author’s GitHub profile

Click here to see the gist on github.