군집화 알고리즘 중 하나인 k-modes 분류를 구현해 라이브러리로 사용할 수 있게 만든 코드입니다.
k-modes 알고리즘은 Categorical Value를 군집화할 때 사용합니다.
Python의 대표적인 머신러닝 라이브러리인 scikit-learn 스타일과 유사하게 사용할 수 있게 작성했습니다.
자세한 내용은 링크를 참조해주시기 바랍니다.
import pandas as pd
from k_modes.custom_kmodes import k_modes
# read dataset
# drop target variable for clustering
X = dataset.drop(columns=["class"])
y = dataset["class"]
# initialize model
model=k_modes(n_clusters=8, n_init=3, max_iter=300, random_state=2019)
# training
# return clustering result
purity=model.cal_purity(model.labels_, y)
# print result
print("Cluster status: ",cluster_status)
print("Purity: ",purity)
********** iter 11 start ************
********** iter 11 end ************
Counter({0: 3875, 2: 2769, 1: 1480})
********** Computing the new center ************
********** iter 12 start ************
********** iter 12 end ************
Counter({0: 3875, 2: 2769, 1: 1480})
********* Finish **********
Cluster status: Counter({0: 3875, 2: 2769, 1: 1480})
Purity: 0.7581240768094535
Process finished with exit code 0
********** iter 8 start ************
********** iter 8 end ************
Counter({1: 3596, 3: 1970, 2: 1371, 0: 1187})
********** Computing the new center ************
********** iter 9 start ************
********** iter 9 end ************
Counter({1: 3596, 3: 1970, 2: 1371, 0: 1187})
********* Finish **********
Cluster status: Counter({1: 3596, 3: 1970, 2: 1371, 0: 1187})
Purity: 0.870384047267356
Process finished with exit code 0
********** iter 16 start ************
********** iter 16 end ************
Counter({2: 2233, 4: 1336, 3: 1205, 6: 961, 5: 897, 1: 786, 0: 514, 7: 192})
********** Computing the new center ************
********** iter 17 start ************
********** iter 17 end ************
Counter({2: 2233, 4: 1336, 3: 1205, 6: 961, 5: 897, 1: 786, 0: 514, 7: 192})
********* Finish **********
Cluster status: Counter({2: 2233, 4: 1336, 3: 1205, 6: 961, 5: 897, 1: 786, 0: 514, 7: 192})
Purity: 0.8879862136878385
Process finished with exit code 0