HangarXPLOR is a chrome extension that upgrades the UI/UX of the Star Citizen hangar page
Pinned issues
- 1
Unidentified Ship
#127 opened by Xerrass - 4
- 0
Feature Request: user's currency
#126 opened by l4zz - 2
CSV Export - Values "Undefined"
#101 opened by Darkstar77 - 2
Referral bonuses not shown
#125 opened by VioletD0ll - 4
Sabre Raven appearing as normal Sabre
#118 opened by seskritt - 2
Headings Bug
#123 opened by EncoreLynn - 2
2953 IAE C8R Pisces not showing
#120 opened by Levanixx - 0
Unidentified ship - Cutter Scout
#122 opened by gh0stlight - 3
Ground Vehicle Packs improperly exporting to JSON.
#119 opened by von-get - 4
Some ships unidentified
#106 opened by Azalen91 - 1
- 0
- 0
Feature request: persist selected items.
#115 opened by mkaito - 0
Hangar Bulk Xplorer
#113 opened by JopLaane - 1
Wrong Thumbnail for Badlands Nova Tank
#110 opened by Nagol6000 - 0
- 2
Ships gifted by CIG do not show
#109 opened by NlGHTLORD - 5
Firefox 108.0.2 Plugin doesent load anymore
#107 opened by Einherjar-FTC - 6
Does not load fully on firefox 108.0.2
#108 opened by TDPMojo - 3
Safari Conversion:
#96 opened by notimportant-01 - 0
Firefox matching different result to Chrome
#100 opened by peter-dolkens - 4
Some ships unidentified in JSON file
#102 opened by XannMagus - 1
- 1
Ships appear twice and some not at all.
#105 opened by RilleE81 - 2
- 4
Wrong thumbnail for the Kraken Privateer
#93 opened by EricB1978 - 3
Wrong thumbnail for upgraded Gatac Railen
#97 opened by Tatstahanno - 1
- 3
ship picture
#86 opened by TDPMojo - 1
Is there a better system to update hangar image replacement than manually curating a list?
#94 opened by zsdonny - 1
STV + Blue Steel Paint getting filtered out
#98 opened by kaerey - 0
Wrong thumbnail for TUMBRIL CYCLONE MT
#95 opened by rybacki - 2
- 4
Your hangar is empty
#92 opened by PopeKael - 5
Drake Corsair CCU replacement picture not showing
#90 opened by zsdonny - 0
Unfiltered CSV/JSON export
#88 opened by cintaracorp - 2
extention broken
#85 opened by TDPMojo - 2
Extension broken on Firefox v89.0b15 (64 bits)
#84 opened by sofyanet - 6
- 2
Missing skins in filter group "Paints"
#80 opened by Petosiris - 3
Are buybacks not supported?
#67 opened by davidlevy247 - 1
- 4
Some weapons are not displayed
#75 opened by Dr4g0n36 - 4
Caching Stale Data
#68 opened by Darkstar77 - 1
- 0
Format broken on Chrome
#72 opened by ErickXavier - 3
- 8
addon not loading due to settings file
#52 opened by moozaad - 4
Can not download JSON
#46 opened by q220