This repository contains supplementary codes and labels for the K-EmoPhone Dataset.
For the detailed description of the dataset, please refer to:
$ git clone
$ cd K-EmoPhone_SupplementaryCodes
You need to download the above K-EmoPhone Dataset into /data/ directory.
You also need to move the EsmResponse-1966.csv file to /data/ directory.
You can follow the jupyter notebook instructions in K-EmoPhone-analysis.ipynb.
The evaluation results will be in the /eval/ directory.
- mitosheet==0.1.412
- pandas==1.3.5
- pytz==2021.3
- cloudpickle==2.0.0
- ray==1.12.1
- numpy==1.21.6
- seaborn==0.11.2
- json==2.0.9
- altair==4.2.0
- optuna==2.10.1
- sklearn==1.0.2
- imblearn==0.9.0
- pyparsing==3.0.8
- xgboost==1.6.1