Simple tool to wrap your functions to work as streams. Functions can be both sync and async.
npm install pipemaster
var FuncWrapper = require('pipemaster').FuncWrapper,
function asyncExample(x, callback) {
callback(null, x * x); // first argument is an optional error.
streamFunc = new FuncWrapper(asyncExample);
streamFunc.write(2); // streamFunc emits '4'
streamFunc.write(6); // streamFunc emits '36'
Sync functions also supported:
var FuncWrapper = require('pipemaster').FuncWrapper,
function syncExample(x) {
return 2 * x;
streamFunc = new FuncWrapper(syncExample, false); // 'false' is a flag for sync function
streamFunc.write(2); // streamFunc emits '4'
streamFunc.write(6); // streamFunc emits '12'
Based on FuncWrapper
, it takes sync or async function that returns true
or false
, and emits data
event only when function returns true
. Filtering functions also can be both sync and async ones.
var StreamFilter = require('pipemaster').StreamFilter,
function filterAsync(item, callback) {
callback(null, item === 4);
streamFunc = new StreamFilter(filterAsync, true);
// streamFunc emits only '4'
If you suggest pull requests, please include vows
test suites.