
Python API 2.7 for DolphinDB

Primary LanguagePython

Python 2 API for DolphinDB


We stopped developing python 2 API for DolphinDB as Python 2 is no longer supported by Python.org. We recommend to use Python 3 API for DolphinDB, which is written in C++ and has a better performance than Python 2 API, which is written in Python.

Environment setup

Before Running the scripts,please have python packages numpy and pandas installed.

Method 1:

please download the 64bit python 2.7 version of anaconda, which contains python and all packages we need to run DolphinDB api python scripts https://www.continuum.io/downloads

Method 2:

1: download and install python 2.7 2: sudo easy_install pip
3: pip install numpy
4: pip install pandas
5: pip install cryptography

Then, please go to our python api folder and install the package through the following command:

To install for the first time:

    python setup.py install

To update the existing install:

   python setup.py install --force

Get it started

Assuming you have dolphindb SERVER running on port 8848, you can run the following commands in python console

import dolphindb as ddb
#start a DolphinDB session
s = ddb.session() 
# connect to DolphinDB server
success = s.connect('localhost', 8848)
# or connect with login info
s = ddb.session() 
success = s.connect('localhost', 8848, "admin","123456") 
if success:
    obj = s.run("Your DolphinDB script") #run dolphinDB script

For more examples, please refer to python api tutorial:

The jupter notebook tutorial here



Package introduction

1: session.py DolphinDB api for querying DolphinDB server

2: settings.py contain the data form and type definitions, and other settings

3:data_factory.py python data building factory based on returned DolphinDB object

4: socket_util.py python socket protocols

5: date_util.py converting integer into python datetime object

6: table.py manipulate DolphinDB SQL query through python class "Table".