
Proxy contract for staking pool owner

Primary LanguageRust

Staking Pool Owner Proxy Contract

This contract can be deployed to an account that owns a staking pool to redistribute the validator service fee among a set of recipients.

How to use this contract

  • Deploy a staking pool on the NEAR blockchain, specify an owner account that you have access to.
  • Deploy this contract to owner account and specify the list of reward receivers
  • Call the withdraw method on the owner account, this action will unstake & withdraw service fee received by pool and distribute it among the reward receivers.

This can be used to donate on a regular basis a portion of the pool's earnings to charity funds such as https://unchain.fund.


near call $CONTRACT_ID new '{"staking_pool_account_id": "'$STAKING_POOL'", "owner_id":"'$OWNER_ID'", "reward_receivers": [["account_1.testnet", {"numerator": 3, "denominator":10}], ["account_2.testnet", {"numerator": 70, "denominator":100}]]}' --accountId $CONTRACT_ID

This will send 30% of pool rewards to account_1.testnet and 70% to account_2.testnet.


near call $CONTRACT_ID reset_reward_receivers '{"reward_receivers": [["account_1.testnet", {"numerator": 3, "denominator":10}], ["account_1.testnet", {"numerator": 70, "denominator":100}]]}' --accountId $OWNER_ID

Distribute Rewards

near call $CONTRACT_ID withdraw '{}' --accountId $CONTRACT_ID --gas 200000000000000

Build contract

yarn && yarn build:contract

Run tests

cd contract
cargo run --example staking -- --nocapture

Additional info


The contract was not audited! Use at your own risk