IRE Mini Project - Search Engine for Wikipedia

A search engine for the entire Wikipedia corpus made as a minor project for the Information Retrieval and Extraction (IRE) course of the Monsoon 2021 semester at IIIT-H.


  • XML parsing using SAX parser
  • Data preprocessing (using NLTK) - Tokenization, Case folding, Stop words removal & Stemming
  • Inverted Index (Posting List) Creation
  • Optimize


  1. Field Queries - Fields include Title, Infobox, Body, Category, Links, and References of a Wikipedia page. One can search for text in any of these fields and any number of fields at once.
  2. Index size is less than 1/4 of dump size.
  3. Scalable index construction.
  4. Index creation time: Optimized for <150 secs performance.

Code division:

  1. Contains code for processing the raw text, splitting/merging inverted index and saving stats.
  2. Contains code for parsing the XML dump. Extracts text and passes it to the functions in for further processing.
  3. Running this will produce the inverted index.
  4. Contains code for finding the top 10 documents given a query.
  5. Running this will display the titles of top 10 documents for each query given in a text file.

Steps to run:

  1. First create inverted index using the following command:
> bash path_to_xml_dump directory_to_save_inverted_index path_to_save_stats
  1. Save the queries in a file, with each query on a seperate line. Then run the following command:
> bash path_where_inverted_index_is_saved path_to_queries_file

Happy Searching! 😊