
My Jupyter notebooks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

notebooks 🐍📔📔📔

Collection of jupyter notebooks I use for experimenting with stuff and note taking. Not guaranteed to work on your computer. You can still browse the notebooks! (click on the nbviewer links below)

title file view notebook
Create PDF with ReportLab create-pdf/create-pdf.ipynb nbviewer
Get currently reading list from Goodreads API goodreads-rss.ipynb nbviewer
GraphQL graphql.ipynb nbviewer
ImageMagick Montage Quick Guide imagemagick/montage.ipynb nbviewer
How to do stuff in Jupyter jupyter.ipynb nbviewer
GeoJSON openaq/geojson.ipynb nbviewer
ipyleaflet openaq/ipyleaflet.ipynb nbviewer
Station clusters openaq/map-clusters.ipynb nbviewer
Mapbox openaq/mapbox.ipynb nbviewer
US mobile air quality stations openaq/us-mobile-stations.ipynb nbviewer
testing nested generators with yield from python/generators.ipynb nbviewer
Random Python stuff python/misc.ipynb nbviewer
What's new in Python 3.9? python/python3.9.ipynb nbviewer
Unsplash API unsplash.ipynb nbviewer

how to start the lab

pipenv install
pipenv run jupyter lab

how to update the readme

Invoke the update-readme.sh script. This will concatenate the header, footer and the generated TOC into the final README.md. That means README.md isn't edited directly.

Only notebooks beginning with a markdown H1 title (e.g. # title) is listed in the TOC.

  • _pre_toc.md is the header file.
  • an untracked _toc.md file is created when update-readme.sh is called.
  • _post_toc.md is the footer file.