
A repository containing details about our events

letsseethecode.com (LSTC)

Welcome. We're busy writing the content. Bear with us.


Venue @ Timings

In-person meetups are held on the Second Monday of each Month, in the Function Room the Canal House in Nottingham. The venue which is under 5 minutes from both Nottingham Train Station and Broadmarsh Bus Station and conveniently located next to multiple car parks, such as the NCP Maid Marion Way and Broadmarsh Car Park.

The event is planned to start at 6:30pm, but organisers will be present earlier and the pub downstairs is a most enjoyable place to waizt.


Our audience is comprised of people from all different walks of life and levels of experience, from entry-level juniors through to seasoned architects and business founders, but we're all here for the same reason: We love to code. We're naturally inquisitive and curious and like to life the lid on life and stare at the cogs and gears.

We're all software professionals, but many of us find it hard to grow our skills in our day-to-day work. Putting in the time training is important for us. No boxer would ever step into the ring only for prize fights, and no goal keeper would want to face down a penalty shot in a quarter final, without first having put in many hours of training. They build their muscle memory and reflexes up in an environment where failure is removed from the equation, and that is not normally a luxury we have in our professional lives. Deadlines drive priorities, and activities that don't directly contribute to moving a project forward don't receive the backing they should. Therefore lots of us don't get the time to hone our craft, except when we're working. And while we're working mistakes aren't something we can afford.

LSTC offers us the chance to do things in a safe an supportive environment, whether that's to hone existing skills, learn new ones or even just scratch that itch out of curiosity.

Whatever the reason: We love the code.

Come along. Feel free to just listen or watch, but know that when you want to roll your sleeves up and dig in that we'll be there for you.


  • Feedback

    An important part of the groups is getting feedback. We want to know what interests you, and what areas you're looking to grow.

  • Projects

    Projects are what underpin LSTC, and they form the basis around which all of our activities are centred. The in-person meetings is where we'll keep members of the group updated.

    All projects can be found on our github repository: https://github.com/letsseethecode/

    Each project MUST contain a detailed README.md that details the goals, technologies and clear instructions on how to build and contribute.

    • Proposals

      We'll take time to go through new projects to be put in front of the group. Each project must have the following:

      • Lead - A named individual who is looking to lead the project. They are in charge of the project and their say is final in all matters relating to the project.
      • Objectives - What are we looking to achieve (and "fun" or "curiosity" are both good enough answers).
      • Technologies - A list of technologies that the project will be using.
      • Contribution - How many people are wanted to contribute to the project.
    • Demonstrations

      Remember, the "Code is the Star" and integral to seeing how we built things we should also see what we built. Each month we'll review the PRs that have been merged in, demonstrate their features and talk through the features. Authors can either do the talking or, for the camera shy, the host can do.

    • Code Reviews

      An integral part of any successful team operating at scale is being Critical Friends. LSTC is a place where we can come together in a spirity of support and friendship and help people grow their skills and knowledge by offering supportive and constructive reviews of the pull requests we've done.

      Each Pull Request submitted can choose to receive Private or Public feedback. Anyone selecting Public (which is the recommended option) has the option to present their Code Review to the In-Person meetup, where as a group we discuss. This isn't something that should be feared, but actively encouraged and enjoyed by the group.

      These will form a vital part of the LSTC meetup, as it helps people receive constructive feedback on how to improve.

  • Code in the Wild

    There is lots of code that exists out in the wild, so we can spend some time looking into it.

    • Library Focus

      What interesting/useful libraries and frameworks are we using. Let's lift the lid and stare into their guts.

    • External Projects

      Do people have links to external projects that they are able to share? Here is where we can do that.


This wouldn't have happened without the support of the community. The best support we can ask for is that you show up and contribute to the projects. This group is intended to be completely free for anyone, of any skill level, to attend.

For those who would like to help us out financially, then we have a number of options for that.

Our sponsors:

Join our list of sponsors by contacting mailto:letsseethecode@gmail.com and join the ranks of our sponsors.

  • Unchain Life Ltd., our fouders.
  • We Are Framework, our first sponsor and the people who got us our in-person venue.


For the price of a cup of coffee or a beer you can also be the first to join our Patreon supporters, and get that warm glowy feeling that you're helping out.

Subscribers & Followers

Also, why not follow and subscribe to our Twitch account? The top subscribers and gifters will be listed there each session.

On-line Events

You can follow the group's project on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/letsseethecode. A Twitch schedule will materialise as the group grows, but for now it's a series of ad-hoc sessions.

In-person Events

Monday 11th March 2024

Our first meetup is planned for Monday 18th of March.

Our first meeting!! We're really excited about this.