
My process for tracking active hours and analyzing time spent on important tasks

Primary LanguagePython


Quick Start

# 1. Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/dombraccia/TimeManagment
cd TimeManagement

# 2. Create conda env from yml file
conda activate managment

# 3. Run parse_time_log.py on sample data
python code/parse_time_log.py plots/2021_0913-0920.png 

## returns: plot saved to: plots/2021_0913-0920.png

# 4. Check output plot
open plots/2021_0913-0920.png

2021_0913-0920 plot


TODO: finish requirements desctiption and time log csv description

This is the code base and instructions for tracking productivity and time spent on important activities.

Required software:

  • UNIX terminal (power shell for Windows)
  • python 3
  • conda env (via miniconda3)

Optional software:

  • Horo Timer -- Mac only
  • Any other software to generate a csv of time logs with format: