
"retrieval-augmented generation" (RAG) capabilities for content gathered from the web.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project, developed in rust, offers "retrieval-augmented generation" (RAG) capabilities for content gathered from the web.

Its core concept revolves around operating all essential components locally, thus avoiding reliance on external public APIs. This approach shares similarities with initiatives like privateGPT. The choice of rust as the programming language is primarily for educational exploration, rather than for performance optimization.

The project's name creatively merges "Rust" and "RAG," with a playful twist reminiscent of "ragamuffin," or even an allusion to "asparagus."

It comprises both a server and a client binary, with the flexibility to select either through the cargo --bin option.

There is a server and client binary. Use the cargo --bin to choose between.

core components

run rust-bert

In order to be able to run rust-bert on MAC:

export LIBTORCH=$(brew --cellar pytorch)/$(brew info --json pytorch | jq -r '.[0].installed[0].version')

how to use the server

RUST_LOG='info,rust_a_rag_us=debug' cargo run --bin server

server environment variables

  • qdrant client address, defaults to http://localhost:6334: QDRANT_CLIENT_ADDRESS
  • server listen address, defaults to ADDRESS
  • base collection, defaults to rura_collection: BASE_COLLECTION
  • ollama model, defaults to openhermes2.5-mistral:7b-q6_K: OLLAMA_MODEL
  • ollama host, defaults to localhost: OLLAMA_HOST
  • ollama port, defaults to 11434: OLLAMA_PORT

swagger ui

Be default point your browser to

how to use the client

Usage: rust-a-rag-us [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

 help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

 -a, --address <ADDRESS>        Address of the Qdrant client [default: http://localhost:6334]
 -c, --collection <COLLECTION>  collection used with the Qdrant client [default: rura_collection]
 -h, --help                     Print help
 -V, --version                  Print version

upload data

Point it to upload some data like this:

# basic example
rust-a-rag-us upload --url https://docs.lagoon.sh/

# setting logger and using collections
RUST_LOG='info,rust_a_rag_us=debug' rust-a-rag-us --filter-collections="basic,summary" upload --url='https://docs.lagoon.sh/'

cleanup data

rust-a-rag-us drop

query data

rust-a-rag-us query --query 'what lagoon service types can you in the docker compose yaml?'

# using cargo run
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin client -- --filter-collections="basic,summary" query --query 'what lagoon service types can you in the docker compose yaml?' --ollama_model openhermes2.5-mistral:7b-q6_K

You can also switch the model used by providing e.g. --ollama_model 'openhermes2.5-mistral:7b-q6_K'


  • sitemap lookup does not recursively resolve sitemap pointing to another sitemap
  • the ollama-rs streaming seems to be a bit brittle and fails with: Failed to deserialize response: EOF while parsing a list at line 1 column 8186
  • make prompts configurable?