A replacement for the Lagoon storage-calculator service that runs in remote clusters
Individual namespaces can have the following labels to change the behaviour of storage calculator
if set to false, will exclude it from having its volumes calculatedlagoon.sh/storageCalculatorIgnoreRegex
this will override the default regex (if one is set)
Storage-calculator pods created by this controller get a label of lagoon.sh/storageCalculator=true
Storage-calculator connects to rabbitmq in lagoon-core and publishes to the actions-handler lagoon-actions
exchange for the actions-handler in core to process.
#example payload
"type": "updateEnvironmentStorage",
"eventType": "environmentStorage",
"data": {
"claims": [{
"environment": 1,
"persistentStorageClaim": "nginx",
"bytesUsed": 1200
}, {
"environment": 1,
"persistentStorageClaim": "solr",
"bytesUsed": 2200
}, {
"environment": 1,
"persistentStorageClaim": "mariadb",
"bytesUsed": 3200