
A Sublime Text plugin to use Docker Language Stacks as build systems

Primary LanguagePython


A Sublime Text package that include some build systems that use Docker Language Stacks. It currently build python, ruby, perl, c/c++ (gcc), clojure, go (golang), java, Dockerfile and Fig configuration files.


Requires Docker. You can get it here https://get.docker.com/.

Your user should belong to the Docker group to run docker without using sudo.


Install using SublimeText PackageControl. Otherwise you can also Download/Clone the package and put it in your Packages-directory.


After installing, you will find new options in Tools > Build system of your Sublime menu:

  • C++ in Docker Container
  • Clojure in Docker Container
  • Dockerfile
  • Fig
  • Go in Docker Container
  • Java in Docker Container
  • Perl in Docker Container
  • Python in Docker Container
  • Ruby in Docker Container

Build and run using Docker containers

Build System Menu

Remember, you can always launch the selected build with Control+B (Linux/Windows) or Command+B (OS X).

Select different versions

You can select specific interpreter/compiler variants with Control+Shift+P (Linux/Windows) or Command+Shift+P (OS X) and typing build to reduce the selection to the available build variants for the selected build system as shown below for various language build systems. Build Variants Build Variants

Dockerfile: build images and run containers with a dockerfile

Build Variants

Fig: Run multiple containers using fig.yml file

Build Variants