- 0
Support for ARM/Apple silicon
#125 opened by JonathanDagan - 0
Problem with feGaussianBlur filter
#124 opened by IJCS - 1
Plans to remove PhantomJS dependency
#111 opened by patrickberkeley - 0
add background colour option
#123 opened by jerzydziewierz - 3
Update dependency "yargs"
#120 opened by frodal - 0
Output image being cropped
#121 opened by ericman314 - 3
SSRF and Server Side XSS
#117 opened by 21k - 2
- 0
not working to phantomjs execute in electron release package on macosx Catalina
#115 opened by MichinariNukazawa - 6
Erro when use svg2png in docker container
#102 opened by renanrboliveira - 1
SVG with mix-blend-mode not working as expected
#106 opened by dominicrico - 0
Change license
#114 opened by wbobeirne - 4
headless chrome
#93 opened by pkra - 5
- 0
- 1
Feature request: Flag to overwrite existing file
#100 opened by Joshfindit - 1
Hide Phantomjs.exe command window on Windows
#107 opened by bogdan-calapod - 1
Indirect dependency on hoek@4.2.1
#110 opened by dylanpyle - 6
- 0
Scale in versions > 2.1.0
#109 opened by thybzi - 1
Brackets appearing in output from XML tag
#108 opened by danielhickman - 2
- 0
Request for custom PhantomJS path
#103 opened by cyberwombat - 0
nothing happens when running on MS Azure
#101 opened by k-yle - 0
- 1
Size limit of svg2png
#98 opened by xiekunwhy - 3
- 4
weird phantomjs/svg2png error
#94 opened by operolim - 2
Switch to Electron?
#76 opened by seangenabe - 3
Electron build. Error on Windows.
#92 opened by ms4ever7 - 0
problem with using RTL text that contains number
#91 opened by mghayour - 0
This is awesome!
#90 opened by LeaVerou - 2
Question : Can I pass SVG as markup
#89 opened by gs-akhan - 1
Issue with svg2png on Linux:
#88 opened by eaaliprantis - 3
Module not found: 'child_process'
#86 opened by PeteMichaud - 7
#85 opened by eaaliprantis - 0
Bad result in small font rendering
#84 opened by sokraflex - 2
Re-using the PhantomJS instance for performance?
#71 opened by matatk - 4
PhantomJS crashes on this SVG
#77 opened by kasbah - 9
Svg rendering issue
#81 opened by adamgamble - 1
- 1
Use of const in strict mode
#74 opened by iDVB - 3
Rendering non-ASCII charcaters fails
#63 opened by jensfinnas - 2
v3.1.1 breaking change
#70 opened by mifi - 0
svg2png Mac Error: spawn phantomjs.exe ENOENT
#62 opened by owen-hong - 1
4.0 still requires node 6
#65 opened by jimmyhchan - 4
3.1.1 introduced a breaking change
#59 opened by jefflembeck - 2
svg2png v4.0.0 node v5.7.1 require error
#61 opened by owen-hong - 13
changed requirements
#58 opened by riw - 6
example does not seem to work
#57 opened by ralyodio