
Web application made with Node/ExpressJs to service management

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Let your user make an appointment with a barber and don't lose control of your schedule.


First you need the Docker instaled in your machine and than run:

cp .env.example .env

docker-compose up -d

Email Service

You're going to need a service to receive email notifications. One suggestion is use the Ethereal Email. Create an free email account and put the .env with the credentials.

You will see in the Ethereal Email:

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: 'smtp.ethereal.email',
    port: 587,
    auth: {
        user: 'shanon.kuhic58@ethereal.email',
        pass: 'Cva8mEnrdTxCRryczf'

//So, update the .env variables with the corresponding values.

Bug report

We are using Sentry service to catch bugs and exceptions. You'll need to create an account on Sentry.io and create a project. Copy the DSN url and update the SENTRY_DSN variable on .env file. See here how to find the DSN of an existing project.


It's everything ok? So, now we can execute the application.

yarn migrate && yarn queue && yarn dev