Work in Progress!

pixelblaze2mqtt - A bridge between Pixelblaze and MQTT

Based off davyhollevoet/pixelblaze_mqtt_bridge

Works with a Home Assistant MQTT Light (json schema), but other MQTT-speaking things also work obviously.


mqtt_server: ...
mqtt_username: ...
mqtt_password: ...
# The bridge will subscribe to $mqtt_topic_prefix + '#' and publish to $mqtt_topic_prefix + 'available'
mqtt_topic_prefix: lights/pixelblaze/
# Websocket url of the pixelblaze instance. Yes, only a single instance is supported for now
pixelblaze_address: ws://...:81/
ext_color_prog: Solid


Set to Solid. Changes light strip to a solid color using R,G,B to work with Home Assistant

Home Assistant

Example configuration for a Home Assistant MQTT Light

  - platform: mqtt
    schema: json
    name: "TV Lights"
    state_topic: "lights/pixelblaze/state"
    command_topic: "lights/pixelblaze/set"
    availability_topic: "lights/pixelblaze/available"
    brightness: true
    effect: true
    rgb: true
      - opposites
      - spin cycle
      - rainbow fonts
      - modes and waveforms
      - green ripple reflections
      - marching rainbow
      - color twinkles
      - firework dust
      - block reflections
      - color bands
      - color hues
      - glitch bands
      - sparks
      - rainbow melt
      - NaturalLightSync
      - notify
      - Sunset
      - Solid


MQTT status

lights/pixelblaze/state returns a json object containing:

state: ON or OFF
brightness: 0-255
effect_list: [an array of the effects availabe in Pixelblaze] -- Unfortunately I have not found a way to have HA update the effect_list given this list
effect: Name of current pattern

MQTT set (json)

lights/pixelblaze/set json formatted example:

  "state": "ON",
  "effect": "Solid",
  "color": {
    "r": 255,
    "g": 255,
    "b": 255
  "brightness": 255

MQTT brightness

lights/pixelblaze/brightness 0-255

MQTT effect

lights/pixelblaze/effect NameOfPattern

MQTT toggle

lights/pixelblaze/toggle Toggles lights on/off

MQTT switch

lights/pixelblaze/switch ON or OFF switches to ON or OFF

MQTT vars

lights\pixelblaze\vars {"ext_h":20} set the variables for a pattern, in json format

MQTT notify

These are mostly for me. I use nodered to send these glimmers when I get specific notifications on my phone (Someone specific messages me) They are still a work in progress

lights\pixelblaze\notify h,s,v a little 2sec glimmer for an alert using HSV values

lights\pixelblaze\notify2 h,s,v,h,s,v 2sec glimmer with 2 colors using HSV values

lights\pixelblaze\notify3 h,s,v 2 flashes with HSV color

Pixelblaze Pattern Codes

This folder has some of the patterns I use in this script (Solid, NaturalLightSync, notify, Sunset)