Data for Democracy

Data for Democracy's mission is to be an inclusive community for data scientists and technologists to volunteer and collaborate on projects that make a positive impact on society.

Getting Started

  • Read more about our our origin story.
  • We use Slack and GitHub as our primary means of organization and communication. Email jonathon [at] for an invite to the team.
  • Read about our current projects, or check out how you can volunteer across the community.
  • If you see a project you are interested in, join the project Slack channel, introduce yourself to the community and the project lead(s).
  • Visit project readme for specific instructions on who to contact or how to get started.
  • Not sure which project you want to join? Introduce yourself in #general. Talk to a few project leads, let them know what you are interested in. Project leads can help you determine if a project is a good fit for you.
  • Have an idea for a new project? Join #project-ideas to start a discussion on a new project.
  • Looking for a certain type of task, in any project? Check the task digest.
  • Not sure how to get started? Contact @gecky or @jonathon in the Slack, or check out the #onboarding channel, and we'll help you out. Also check out #micro-projects for quick projects that'll help you get your feet wet.
  • Want to pick up some skills before diving in? Check out the tutorials which are all relevant to D4D projects and chat about it in #learning.
  • Check out our page at, where data can be shared. See our guide to get started. Contact @sya or @gabriela in Slack with questions

Across the Community

While most of our work is project based, the community is large and vibrant enough that we're looking for common needs across projects that the organization can support. These are ongoing roles that can be time consuming, but are also essential to making the community helpful to our partners and a valuable experience for our volunteers. Ping @jonathon in Slack if you'd like to help with the following:


All of our projects are doing some interesting data gathering and analysis that we'd love to share with the world. We'd like to start publishing regular blog posts highlighting these resources, scheduling short interviews for the Partially Derivative podcast, and discussing our work on social media so the larger community knows what we're doing and gets to see our work in progress. If you want to write, edit, tweet, and ideally organize this process, we'd like to hear from you.

Infrastructure and IT administration

We're doing this on a per-project basis, and would love someone to manage this process -- from GitHub access, to data sharing, to AWS permissions, and everything in between.


The community has grown to a point where there is a lot of activity and a steady stream of new volunteers, which is awesome! We could use more people who know about the various projects that are happening along with the skills of the incoming volunteers, and can both match people to projects (ideally, to specific tasks), along with routinely surfacing new opportunities to the broader community for folks to get involved at all skill levels. @gecky and the individual project leads have been going above and beyond in this regard, and they need your help.

Project Leads

You've probably noticed that there are a few people in every active project keeping the group on track, taking questions, and helping new folks get settled in -- that's by design. Leading a project can be a big time commitment, but it's hugely valuable to making sure we're doing useful work, and volunteers are getting the most out of volunteering. You don't need to be super technical, just organized and enthusiastic! In particular we're looking for people to lead these projects:

  • An ongoing series of small projects with the city of Los Angeles' analytics team. You'll be the liason between the D4D community and the group in LA working with the Chief Data Officer.
  • Tech to support immigration attorneys. We're talking with one national immigration law non-profit to make sure we're focused on what will have the most impact, and more partnerships will follow.

Current projects

We have many projects going in our slack community. Below is a list of some of our more active projects that are actively seeking help.

Slack: #assemble

Project Description: Community working to build tools and infrastructure to enable the study of online communities and their characteristics. As we work through our own projects, our goal is to build a toolkit which takes care of common tasks so researchers do not have to reinvent the wheel with each new project.

Project Leads: @bstarling @nick

Project Description: This is an official collaboration between the City of Boston's Analytics Team and Data for Democracy. We want to build a crash prediction modeling application. This would combine things like our crowdsourced safety concerns dataset and crash reports with a wide range of other data from our own open data portal as well as from other sources like the state's transportation and transit agencies, weather conditions feeds, and traffic reports from sites like Google. The end result will be a set of dynamic predictions we can use to identify potential trouble spots and direct timely safety interventions--everything from protected bike lanes and better-marked crosswalks to new street lights and traffic light timings. We'll make this publicly-available to everyone through a hosted map application, and develop the project as an open source template that can be adapted for use by other cities.

Slack: #boston-crash-modeling

Project Leads: @therriault (City of Boston lead), @niccolley (Data for Democracy lead)

City of San Diego

Project Description: This is an ongoing collaboration with the analytics team at the city of San Diego. We'll be checking in with them on a regular basis to see what analysis or machine learning projects they need help with, and coordinating with the D4D community on a project-by-project basis to get things done. This is a great way to make a direct impact at the city level.

Slack: #city-sandiego

Project Leads: @eric_bickel

Slack: #drug-spending
Project Description: Help the public understand what their tax dollars are going toward. Eg, what % of the eligible population (and/or all Americans) are benefiting from Medicare prescription drug coverage? How many Medicare enrollees are being treated for common/relatable conditions like diabetes, Alzheimer's, or depression? What proportion of Medicare prescription spending is on each of those conditions?

Project Leads: @jenniferthompson @mattgawarecki


Slack: #election-transparency

Project Description: Aggregating and normalizing county-level election results to be shared with the broader community. This team now has a fantastic dataset that's difficult to obtain. In addition to the ongoing data engineering effort, they could use help from statisticians, political scientists, and anyone ready to analyze this data.

Project Leads: @chris_dick, @scottcame, @rachelanddata


Project Description:
Grouping for projects related to refugees. Our main current project involves classifying, tagging, analyzing and visualizing news events relating to internally displaced people in an attempt to track internal refugee crises across the globe.

Slack: #refugees

Project Lead: @grichardson


Slack: #propublica

Project Description: Working on projects to support the non-profit investigative journalism publication, ProPublica. The team's first project is analyzing campaign spending data and have just started a web scraping/data engineering project around foreign travel expenditures.

Project Leads: @ryanes @eric_bickel


Slack: #usa-dashboard

Project Description: A dashboard of key metrics for the USA. The team's first KPIs are around city-level crime data.

Project Leads: @sjt

Project Description: This is a new project that sprung up in response to the immigrant ban. We're talking with one national immigration law non-profits to make sure the project stays focused on what's most needed, but this project is in the very early stages. Join the Slack channel if you'd like to stay up to date on how this evolves.

Slack: #immigration-connect

Project Leads: @tylerjrichards @jtorrez @chavan

Slack: #teaching

Project Description: This project aims to develop resources and tools that connect educators and students interested in exploring capstone/community service projects with D4D. Very early stages right now, so join the Slack channel if you'd like to stay up to date on how this evolves.

Project Leads: @annakoop @jtorrez

Task digest

If you're looking for a certain type of task (e.g. beginner-friendly) to lead you to a project, try checking the links below:

  • analysis: Analysis questions, ranging from basic, exploratory questions to more complex questions.
  • beginner-friendly: Good for people new to the project or technology stack used by the project. If you are experienced we encourage you not to claim these issues but instead post in comments offering to mentor a new person.
  • bug: Bug report.
  • data-collection: Data collection task.
  • data-viz: Data visualization task.
  • discussion: Indicates this issue is a public discussion but may not necessarily have a specific task associated to it.
  • documentation: Request for help with documentation.
  • enhancement
  • first-pr: For first timers only. Issues with this label are meant to be a digestible to help people get up to speed with cloning the repository, making a change and creating a pull request. Please do not claim this issue unless it is your first pull request for this project.
  • help wanted: Catch all label soliciting for help.
  • modeling: Data modeling, machine learning task.
  • proposal
  • question
  • status-blocked: Not ready for development.
  • status-dev-ready: Development task that is fully defined and ready to start.
  • status-in-progress: Someone is actively working on this issue. Please reach out to the person assigned this issue if you would like to contribute.
  • status-needs-grooming: Issue is not fully defined. Either the person who opened the issue is not sure how to proceed or did not have time to complete. Indicates further research will be required to determine best path forward.
  • storytelling: Need help crafting a story. Writing assignment.