Welcome to the RSA Factoring Challenge! This challenge is designed to test your ability to factorize large semi-prime numbers using various mathematical algorithms and techniques.
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a widely-used encryption algorithm in cybersecurity. It relies on the difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers. The RSA Factoring Challenge involves breaking RSA encryption by finding the prime factors of these large numbers.
In this challenge, you will be provided with semi-prime numbers, each having two prime factors. Your task is to factorize these numbers and submit the prime factors as the solution.
- Registration: To participate in the RSA Factoring Challenge, you need to register on our platform.
- Accessing Challenges: Once registered, you will gain access to the challenges.
- Solving Challenges: You will receive semi-prime numbers to factorize. Use any mathematical algorithms or techniques to factorize these numbers.
- Submitting Solutions: Submit the prime factors of the semi-prime numbers as your solution.
- Scoring: Your score will be based on the correctness and efficiency of your solutions.
- Efficiency: While correctness is paramount, efficiency is also crucial. Solutions that factorize numbers in the shortest time will receive higher scores.
- Documentation: Provide documentation or explanations of the algorithms or techniques you used in your solutions.
- Original Work: Ensure that your solutions are your original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Respect: Respect the privacy and integrity of other participants. Any form of cheating or unethical behavior will result in disqualification.
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling the RSA Factoring Challenge:
- Textbooks on number theory and cryptography
- Research papers on factoring algorithms such as Pollard's rho algorithm, Quadratic Sieve, General Number Field Sieve (GNFS), etc.
- Online forums and communities dedicated to cryptography and number theory discussions.
Participants with the highest scores will be eligible for exciting prizes. Prizes may include cash rewards, certificates, or recognition in the cybersecurity community.
Join us in this exciting journey of cryptography and number theory exploration! Good luck with the challenges!