Welcome to ProjectHuntr

What is ProjectHuntr

It's a project that houses projects! Feel free to read the blurb I have available on the wiki projecthuntr wiki

MVP Features


  • Users can view all projects on the main page.
  • Users who are logged in can create new projects.
  • Users who are logged in can update projects they've submitted.
  • Users who are logged in can delete projects they've submitted.


  • Users can view all reviews for a given project on the project's page
  • Users who are logged in can create a review for a project.
  • Users who are logged in can edit and delete reviews they've submitted.

Hosting on Heroku

  • This project can be found at projecthuntr.herokuapp.com

User authentication

  • Users can create their own profile using a backend (and frontend)-validated sign-in page.
  • Users can securely log in to their own profiles.
  • User login will persist until they log out or until the JWT token expires (after one week)
  • Users can log out securely and easily.

Technologies Used

  • Express - backend routing
  • Sequelize - Database ORM
  • PostgresQL - Database development
  • React - Frontend rendering
  • Redux - State storage
  • Vanilla CSS - Frontend design and UI

Database Structure

  • Database Diagram can be found at the following link: DB-Diagram Diagram

Future Features

  • Rating
  • Upvotes
  • Tags
  • Search
  • User Profiles

Component List

The following components were created to make this project possible

  • Root (housed in index.js) - Enables BrowserRouter
  • App - houses Routes
  • LoginForm - for login functionality
  • SignupFormPage - for registration functionality
  • Navigation - houses navbar buttons and links, as well as Profile button
  • ProfileButton - Displays user information and handles logout functionality.
  • ProjectPage - Displays all projects
  • SingleProject - Displays single project and associated reviews, also
  • ProjectForm - routed to /projects/new, allows for creation of new Projects
  • ReviewForm - routed to /projects/:projectId/reviews, to post Reviews to an individual project
  • ProjectEdit - imports data based off of projectId, allows for editing of existing projects
  • ReviewEdit -imports data based off of reviewId, allows for editing of existing reviews

The Store

The reducer is broken down into the following (out of the index.js file in the store folder)

  • csrf.js - Allows tracking of an XSRF-Token
  • projects.js - Houses the projectReducer
  • reviews.js - Houses the reviewReducer
  • session.js - Houses the sessionReducer

Frontend Routes

  • ** '/' ** Home / All Projects
  • ** '/login' ** Login
  • ** '/signup' ** Signup
  • ** '/projects/:projectId' ** Individual Projects (With Reviews)
  • ** '/projects/new' ** Project Form
  • ** '/projects/:projectId/edit' ** Project Edit Form
  • ** '/projects/:projectId/reviews' ** Review Form
  • ** '/projects/:projectId/reviews/:reviewId/edit' ** Review Edit Form

API Routes

All routes preceded by '/api'

  • GET - Restores a user's session
  • POST - Signs a user in
  • DELETE - logs a person out
  • POST - Creates a user's profile (simultaneously logs them in)
  • GET - Retrieves all projects from Database
  • POST - Adds a new project to the Database
  • PUT - Edits an existing project
  • DELETE - Removes an existing project
  • GET - Retrieves all reviews (users can then filter them out in the frontend based on association to project)
  • POST - Adds a new review to the Database
  • PUT - Edits an existing review
  • DELETE - Removes an existing review

Getting Started

Step 0: setup

  • clone this project from github.com/dominicclust/projecthuntr
  • run npm install in the root of the project
  • open 2 separate terminals
  • in one, cd into the backend folder and run npm start
  • in the other, cd into the frontend folder and run npm start

Step 1: further backend setup

  • create a .env file in the backend that is structured similarly to the .env.example file
  • make sure to run <<npm install -D dotenv-cli nodemon>> as these are needed for development purposes
  • create your own JWT token to enter in the JWT_SECRET variable
  • JWT_EXPIRES_IN can be set up however you'd like (I chose the number of seconds in a week)
  • DATABASE_URL is filled out based on the database assigned to you by Heroku.
  • Create a database user based on the setup in your .env file
  • run <> in the backend terminal to do the following: ** undo seeding -> undo migrations -> drop database -> create database -> run migrations -> seed database

Step 2: further frontend setup

  • make sure to run <<npm install -D redux-logger>> as this is a necessity for development purposes
  • make sure your package.json file has a proxy key set to 'http://localhost:5000' so your backend server can communicate with your frontend during development.

Step 3: Code check

  • look through the backend routes folder to see the calls you will make to the API server.
  • compare those to the calls made in the frontend store folder.
  • run npm start in backend and frontend, and you should be up and running!


This has easily been the most challenging thing I've done in my life, and I owe so much of this to the dedication, patience, and assistance of the App Academy Instructional Crew, and my fellow cohort (CoHeart) members. The biggest challenges I faced predominantly dealt with connecting my Redux store to both the backend and the components. While my current version is barely functional, I am glad that it is (at the very least) running. I have a lot more learning to do when it comes to React and Redux (and Express for that matter), but I feel, now more than ever, that I'm on the right track and that I'm finally at the right place at the right time.

Programmatically yours,

Dominic Clust