This is a repository of examples of using CodeceptJS in a Docker environment. Each directory aims to give a simple example of a different Docker setup, and should contain all the files needed to clone it and make it run.
- Selenium Standalone Firefox
- Selenium Standalone Chrome
- A WebDriverIO helper running CodeceptJS tests against a Selenium image containing a Selenium Server and Chrome/Firefox
- CodeceptJS container with Puppeteer
- CodeceptJS container with WebDriverIO and Selenium Standalone
- CodeceptJS container with multiple helpers
- Dockerizing CodeceptJS so it does not need to be installed in your main application
- How to extend Docker Compose files
- A nice way to keep Compose files DRY
For linting eslint-config-skyscanner has been used, along with prettier. This is not included in each directory, if you wish to add it duplicate the .eslintrc and .prettierrc and run:
export PKG=eslint-config-skyscanner;
npm info "$PKG@latest" peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g' | xargs npm install --save-dev
to setup eslint, and then the following to integrate prettier:
npm install -D eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier