
Fetch some data from api endpoint and render to a list view.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UI Test

Made with create-react-app ejected with sass-loader.


Create a stand-alone HTML page to work with the latest Google Chrome browser

  • Create a functional button (at this stage, using only HTML and CSS) given the following flat images: Button image
  • Change the font of the button to a Google Font of your choice
  • Add mouse-over change of state / look with any CSS transition of 1 second length from the normal state to the hover state (and back)
  • Add a custom transition function to your mouse-over transition (https://matthewlein.com/tools/ceaser may help)
  • Make the button resize as its container changes in width (create a DIV around the button that has a percentage width)
  • After clicking the button, initiate a GET request and fetch some (fake) data from here: https://reqres.in/api/users?page=1 (you can use jQuery)
  • Below the button, display a list of people with first name, last name and their image (according to the data you fetched in the previous step) as a “card” for each person, displaying their individual id, last and first name as such: Card image
  • Implement paging by providing a left / right button to move to the previous / next page of people. The text field should be editable and reflect the current page, come up with a text field CSS that matches the style of the buttons: Card control image
  • Handle edge cases (page < 1 and > # of pages) by hiding the right and left arrow button when appropriate
  • Handle user input to the text field that are out of range / not a number by keeping the previous (valid) page # and displaying an alert.