
Elixir debouncer library

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Debouncer Build

Debouncer module to reduce frequency of function calls to alerts, updates and similar. It supports four different modes:

  • apply() - For delayed triggers, e.g. to trigger an autocomplete action
  • immediate() - For reducing frequency of events, the first event per interval is delivered immediately, e.g. trigger data processing tasks
  • immediate2() - Similiar to immediate but never delays events, either forwards them or ignores them, e.g. to trigger alert emails
  • delay() - Only triggers an event after the timeout period, any further event delays the trigger. E.g. to detect data streams that ended actvitiy

Usage Example

  Debouncer.apply(SomeKey, fn() -> 
    IO.puts("Hello World, debounced will appear in 5 seconds") 
  Debouncer.immediate(OtherKey, fn() -> 
    IO.puts("Hello World, will appear immediate, but not again within 5 seconds") 

Behaviour Graph

EVENT        X1---X2------X3-------X4----------
TIMEOUT      ----------|----------|----------|-
apply()      ----------X2---------X3---------X4
immediate()  X1--------X2---------X3---------X4
immediate2() X1-----------X3-------------------
delay()      --------------------------------X4

This graph represents when the different variants fire an event respectively on a timeline. In code the first line would look like this:

fn ->
  Debouncer.apply(SomeKey, fn() -> IO.puts("X1") end, 1000)
  Debouncer.apply(SomeKey, fn() -> IO.puts("X2") end, 1000)
  Debouncer.apply(SomeKey, fn() -> IO.puts("X3") end, 1000)
  Debouncer.apply(SomeKey, fn() -> IO.puts("X4") end, 1000)

> X2
> X3
> X4


The debouncer can be installed by adding debouncer to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:debouncer, "~> 0.1"}

The debouncer is an application and will start a GenServer to trigger the events. To include the Application in your release add it to your extra applications:

  def application do
      mod: {Your.Application, []},
      extra_applications: [:debouncer]

If it's not started it will try to start itself on usage.

The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/debouncer.


The delay() behaviour should be the same as in Michal Muskalas Debounce implementation https://github.com/michalmuskala/debounce