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CodeTutorGPT is an interactive programming language tutor. It provides lessons, assigns coding tasks to test users' understanding, and offers tailored feedback on their progress.

System diagram



  • Encourages active learning
  • Automatic code compilation and execution
  • Code and error feedback
  • User interaction through ``

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the main script. python src/
  4. Modify the 'lesson.c' or '' file to complete the assigned tasks.
  5. Use the '' chat or 'user_feedback.txt' to communicate with the tutor.
  6. Monitor the output for feedback from the AI tutor.
  7. To provide feedback or interact with the tutor, use python src/


  • GCC (for compiling C code)


[ ] Config file to easily change language etc

[ ] Embedding spaces for languages/user context?


This project is released under the MIT License.