
Private (now public) cipher cracking library for TeamBomba

Primary LanguagePython


  • Chi-squared Statistic (text\ characterisation/chiSquared.py)
  • Index of Coincidence (text\ characterisation/ioc.py)
  • Bigram
  • Trigram
  • Quadgram (text\ characterisation/quagdrams.py)
  • Ngrams (ngrams.py)

Cipher Class Auto-Detection

  • Monoalphabetic substitution cipher
  • Polyalphabetic cipher
  • Transposition cipher
  • Polygraphic Substitution cipher


  • Auto
  • Caesar Cipher
  • Affine Cipher (affine)
  • Rail-fence Cipher
  • Baconian Cipher
  • Polybius Square Cipher
  • Simple Substitution Cipher (Need to improve with simulated annealing algorithm)
  • Columnar Transposition Cipher
  • Vigenère Cipher
  • Hill Cipher
  • Playfair Cipher
  • Bifid Cipher
  • Trifid Cipher


  • Cribs generator