
DB Convert helps to transfer one database to a different type of database, for example a MySQL database to a MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Note: DB Convert is currently under development and not ready for productional use!

DB Convert

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DB Convert helps to transfer one database to a different type of database, for example a MySQL database to a MongoDB. DB Convert allows to run a full conversion with relation building or just the single steps. DB Convert also have a rollback functionality. Usable as command line tool or in your code.

Available via NPM

  • npm install -g dbconvert

Quick Example

Bash with DB Convert as global package with config.json in same directory

dbconvert con

In your project

var DbConvert = require('dbconvert');
var config = {
  //your config goes here

var dbc = new DbConvert().load(config);


To run DB Convert you need at least to configure the toHost and the fromHost. This can be done in a config.json in the directory you want to run DB Convert or you insert the path to the file in the --config argument. If you want to remap your tables/collections or columns/fields you need a mapping.js with all the mapping information. Same thing for relations. Examples of the files can be found in the example folder.


dbconvert con [options] || dbconvert convert [options]

convert options

-h, --help                                           output usage information
--sync                                               Run migration in synchrone mode.
--table [table]                                      Run migration for a single table.
--drop                                               Drop collections/tables if they exist on destination host.
--quiet                                              No output except of errors.
--log [level]                                        Define a log level [level].
--logPath [path]                                     Specify a log path (default: cwd).
--fromHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:port/database]  Connection string for the host to migrate from.
--toHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:port/database]    Connection string for the host to migrate to.
--config [path]                                      path to your config.json
--mapping [path]                                     path to your mapping.js
--relation [path]                                    path to your relation.js


dbconvert mig [options] || dbconvert migrate [options]

migrate options

-h, --help                                           output usage information
--sync                                               Run migration in synchrone mode.
--table [table]                                      Run migration for a single table.
--drop                                               Drop collections/tables if they exist.
--quiet                                              No output except of errors.
--log [level]                                        Define a log level [level].
--logPath [path]                                     Specify a log path (default: cwd).
--fromHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:port/database]  Connection string for the host to migrate from.
--toHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:porthost:port/database]                 Connection string for the host to migrate to.
--config [path]                                      path to your config.json


dbconvert rel [options] || dbconvert relation [options]

relation options

-h, --help                                         output usage information
--sync                                             Run migration in synchrone mode.
--table [table]                                    Run migration for a single table.
--quiet                                            No output except of errors.
--log [level]                                      Define a log level [level].
--logPath [path]                                   Specify a log path (default: cwd).
--toHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:port/database]  Connection string for the host to migrate to.
--config [path]                                    path to your config.json


dbconvert rb [options] || dbconvert rollback [options]

rollback options

-h, --help                                                    output usage information
--table [table]                                               Run migration for a single table.
--quiet                                                       No output except of errors.
--log [level]                                                 Define a log level [level].
--logPath [path]                                              Specify a log path (default: cwd).
--toHost [[protocol://][user:password@]host:port/database]    Connection string for the host to migrate to.
--config [path]                                               path to your config.json

To show the help text

dbconvert help


MIT License Copyright © 2016 Dominic Rico-Gomez
