
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


basic functions (map, each, get, set, keys) for nested objects.


each (object, iter(value, path), includeArrays?) => boolean

iterate over an object (depth first) and call iter with each value. path is an array with one or more items, which is the path to value. value will be any item which is not a {} object. Arrays are treated as values.

if iter returns false then each will stop traversing the object and return false also.

if includeArrays is true (defaults to false) then arrays encounted will be treated like objects. If includeArrays is not true, arrays will be treated like values.

map (object, iter(value, path) => nextValue, output, includeArrays?) => output

map over a nested object (depth first). A new object is returned (unless output is given), containing values returned by iter.

if includeArrays is true, the contents of arrays will be mapped, otherwise only the arrays themselves will be.

paths (object) => [path...]

return an array of paths into an object.

get(object, path, default) => value

get the value at path within object. if path does not exist in the object, return default.

path may be an array of strings or numbers, or a single string or number.

set(object, path, value)

set value at location path within object. If path is deeper than object goes, intermediate {}'s are added.

path may be an array of strings or numbers, or a single string or number.

object will be mutated.

clone (object)

return a new object with the same structure and primitive values as object

cyclic objects are not supported - will produce a RangeError (stackoverflow)
