
ETL for Russo-Ukrainian war data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Borderlands project is a publicized collection of high-granularity datasets related to the Russo-Ukrainian War.


This project was started with the objective of making the Oryx's visually-confirmed losses for the Russo-Ukrainian War more accessible for analysis. While I am personally incurring the AWS costs, I greatly appreciate donations to help support the maintenance and growth of this project. Borderlands was built such that others may replicate the system privately should they choose to do so.


The JSON form of the Oryx dataset is available for download on Kaggle.


For Developers


The core infrastructure for this project is built on AWS.

Prefect Generated Infrastructure

prefect work-pool create --type ecs:push --provision-infra ecs-pool

You will be prompted for custom names. Choose no.

Once that is done, you have to update the PrefectEcsTaskExecutionRole with the AWS-managed policy AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly for reading the Docker image from ECR.

Self-managed Infrastructure

Set up the other AWS resources using the following commands:

terraform -chdir=infrastructure/terraform/ plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars -out=terraform.tfplan
# Review the plan
terraform -chdir=infrastructure/terraform/ apply "terraform.tfplan"
# Update the docs (if applicable)
terraform-docs markdown infrastructure/terraform/ --header-from main.tf --output-file README.md --indent 2

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