
weather fax plugin for opencpn

Primary LanguageC++

Weather Fax Plugin for OpenCPN
Implement weather fax ability for opencpn.  This includes retrieval via sound card (radio fax) as well as the internet, or local image files.


* git clone git://github.com/seandepagnier/weatherfax_pi.git

Build as normally:

* cd ..
* cd build
* cmake .. # To produce a binary compatible with Windows XP, you must set the respective toolset - use 'cmake -T v120_xp ..'
* make
* make install

Windows Specific Libraries
The Windows compilation is dependent on these files 

Under windows, you must find the file "opencpn.lib" (Visual Studio) or "libopencpn.dll.a" (mingw) which is built in the build directory after compiling opencpn.  This file must be copied to the plugin directory.

There are also some libraries and an external program needed:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencpnplugins/files/opencpn_packaging_data/PVW32Con.exe/download (not an archive, this one just copy to buildwin)
and unpack all these files into the buildwin directory as the compile is dependent on these.

OSX Specific Libraries
The OS X compilation is dependent on these files 

Under OS X the port audio library is needed. Install it using ```brew install portaudio```
There is a zip file containing header and library files:
Download this file and unzip it in the /usr/local directory as the compile is dependent on these.
The make create-pkg command will include the library in the package.

The plugin code is licensed under the terms of the GPL v3+