
This is a YouTube channel that is showing this playground.


This project started as an attempt to learn and teach others Swift language.

It contains examples of various features (the goal is to have 100% coverage, but 99% is ok too 🤪).

It also started from the very 1st 🥇 Swift version and it's been updated to the latest version.

Project Structure

└── contents
    ├── AccesControl 
    └── swift_from_zero_to_hero.playground
  • AccesControl - example project to showcase access control in Swift (they are different in Swift)
  • swift_from_zero_to_hero.playground - all other core features with some additional info.

How to work with it

Just download/clone the repository and open desired page. You can play around, add, remove and check how things work.

I personally use it as a glosarry of language how to-s.

Latest fully supported Swift version: 5.4

Work in progress Swift version: 4.4

Translation to English %: 90

If you want to help (better examples, new info, fixing a typo, whatever) then just create a PR 😎