ESPHome External Components
Repository contains additional components for ESPHome.
- ACBinarySensor: Reliable binary sensor for A/C switches. Compatible with Luminea QS-WIFI-S04-2C, but I assume similar models will work as well.
Example configuration:esphome: name: kitchen-lights platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m external_components: - source: type: git url: components: [ ac_binary_sensor ] binary_sensor: - platform: ac_binary_sensor # A/C frequency is at 50Hz frequency: 50 # 2 pulses to trigger (increase if working unreliable) threshold: 2 pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: true id: switch_1 internal: true on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_1 - platform: ac_binary_sensor # A/C frequency is at 50Hz frequency: 50 # 2 pulses to trigger (increase if working unreliable) threshold: 2 pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: true id: switch_2 internal: true on_press: then: - light.toggle: light_2 light: - platform: binary name: "Kitchen Light" id: light_1 output: relay_1 - platform: binary name: "Kitchen Table Light" id: light_2 output: relay_2 output: - platform: gpio pin: GPIO14 id: relay_1 - platform: gpio pin: GPIO15 id: relay_2