MoodleSync Faces


Python Script creates a Moodle XML question file using the students profile pictures of a Moodle course. A question includes a students profile picture and 4 random answers.


When running the main script, it is looking for a data/credendials.json file in the data directory.

  "url": "",
  "user": "username",
  "password": "password",
  "service": "ask_your_admin"

If the file is not found, the script will ask for the credentials. Ask your admin for the service name. Then the course and a number of groups can be selected to create the questions from. The script will create one or more XML files in the data directory, which can be imported into Moodle.

Students without a profile picture will be ignored.

docker run --rm -it -v ${pwd}:/app/data dominik1220/moodle_sync_faces