
Collection of tools using the Moodle API in a Flask Web App.


For some Apps User must be logged in using their moodle credentials (Moodle server and API service name can be changed for each user). Password will not be saved on the app. Instead, the app tries to log the user into the moodle server.

Create Groups

First App helps create multiple groups and adding students automatically. First a CSV or Excel file has to be uploaded (file will not be saved on the apps filesystem). Target course can be chosen, table columns for group-names and students email/moodle-id can be selected. Then missing students can be automatically enrolled into the course. Groups can be created and students added to them.

Create Groups


If an error occurs during runtime, usually a logout http://localhost:5000/logout and login helps.


docker pull dominik1220/moodle-tools

docker run --name moodle-tools -p 5000:5000 -e DEBUG=true -e host= -e DEFAULT_MOODLE_URL= -e DEFAULT_MOODLE_SERVICE=service_name dominik1220/moodle-tools


Moodle API

Contact your moodle administrator for a moodle service including following web services:

  • Login using Token (activate token /login/token.php generation for this service)
  • core_group_create_groups
  • core_group_add_group_members
  • core_course_get_recent_courses
  • core_enrol_get_enrolled_users
  • enrol_manual_enrol_users
  • core_user_get_users_by_field


  • add "5 students are not enrolled in this course"
  • File "C:\Users\Dominik\PycharmProjects\moodle-tools\", line 32, in get_groups response ='core_group_get_course_groups', self.url, self.key, courseid=course_id) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\Dominik\PycharmProjects\moodle-tools\", line 46, in call raise SystemError("Error calling Moodle API\n", response)
  • catch wrong url login error
  • use ajax
  • add students to already existing groups
  • error for wrong column name/group column name
  • show "No Groups" when no groups in a course
  • add card with course links: course /course/view.php?id=3; participants /user/index.php?id=3; groups /group/index.php?id=3
  • add links to current groups /group/members.php?group=5
  • flash toasts ajax
  • deactivate pressed buttons to prevent double click
  • ENV for mysql instead of sqlite
    • Docker compose
  • EXPOSE 5000
  • Remove password from session
  • Environment variables for standard values: moodle_url, moodle_service
  • add screenshots to readme
  • Favicon
  • preview table
    • color selected columns
    • color missing students
  • add session timeout
  • add TLS reverse proxy
  • add tool notify
  • add tool upload
  • add tool aggregate
  • add tool student name flashcards
  • add automation
  • Cookie “session” does not have a proper “SameSite” attribute value. Soon, cookies without the “SameSite” attribute or with an invalid value will be treated as “Lax”. This means that the cookie will no longer be sent in third-party contexts. If your application depends on this cookie being available in such contexts, please add the “SameSite=None“ attribute to it. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read (HTTPS?)