Assignment 1 - ReactJS app.

Name: Dominik Kawka


Web App using the TMDB API. Web Dev 2 Assignment 1.



[ A bullet-point list of the new features you added to the Movies Fan app (and any modifications to existing features) .]

  • Browse movies by popularity, now playing, top rated.
  • Find similar movies to the ones you enjoy by looking at recommendations/ similar.
  • View Movie Credits, and see actor overviews, along with other movies the actors were cast in.
  • Filter movies based on release date and score. (You have to click on one of the sorting options for the page to update)
  • Sort movies alphabetically or by rating
  • Pagination on the movie lists (You have to click on one of the sorting options for the page to update)
  • Login/Signup functionality

Setup requirements.

cd movies

npm i

npm start

firebase emulators:start --only auth

API endpoints.

  • Now Playing: Get a list of movies that are currently in theatres movies/now_playing
  • Popular: Get a list of movies ordered by popularity movies/popularity
  • Top Rated: Get a list of movies ordered by rating movies/top_rated
  • Recommendations: Get a list of recommended movies based on which movie you're looking at movies/{id}/recommendations
  • Similar: Get a list of similar movies based on which movie you're looking at movies/{id}/similar
  • Movie Credits: View the people responsible for a film movies/{id}/credits
  • Person Overview: View details about a person person/{id}
  • Person Credits: View a persons casting credits, person/{id}/credits


  • movies/now_playing - Get a list of movies that are currently in theatres.
  • movies/popularity - Get a list of movies ordered by popularity.
  • movies/top_rated - Get a list of movies ordered by rating.
  • movies/{id}/recommendations - Get a list of movie recommendations based on movie.
  • movies/{id}/similar - Get a list of similar movies based on movie.
  • movies/{id}/credits - Get a list of the cast on film
  • person/{id} - Get an overview about a person.
  • person/{id}/credits - Get a list of movies a person has been involved with.
  • login - Log into the movies app by email
  • signup - Sign up for the movies app by email

Independent learning (If relevant).

I watched this YouTube video as a reference for pagination.

Multiple useQueries in a single component

Sorting array with react hook

Firebase Auth Documentation 1

Firebase Auth Documentation 2

Firebase Auth Where to start?

Firebase YouTube Channel

MaterialUI login page template