
📊  InfluxDB, Grafana, and Traefik in Docker Compose (TLS-secured metrics solution)

Primary LanguageShell

Secure Metrics Solution in Docker


Docker Compose application for deploying InfluxDB, Grafana, and Traefik.

The individual components are:

  • InfluxDB: time-series database.

  • Grafana: front-end for visualizing and querying data in InfluxDB.

  • Traefik: edge router/reverse proxy which will auto-generate and auto-renew TLS certificates using Let's Encrypt. Traefik makes it so that data sent to and from Grafana and InfluxDB will be encrypted.


How to Run Locally

Deploy the containers:

docker-compose up

Grafana will be accessible at metrics.docker.localhost and InfluxDB at metrics.docker.localhost:8086. Use the credentials in .env to log in to Grafana. To write data to InfluxDB, refer to the InfluxDB docs.

Stop running containers:

docker-compose down


  • When accessing Grafana or InfluxDB that have been deployed locally, your browser and other apps may show warnings about invalid or self-signed TLS certificates. This is expected as localhost domains don't end with a valid top-level domain, so Traefik won't attempt to request a certificate for them.

  • Grafana is accessible from the HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443 respectively), with redirection from HTTP to HTTPS handled using Traefik routers.

  • Grafana will automatically be set up with InfluxDB as a data source (set up under grafana/provisioning/datasources/influxdb.yml).

  • InfluxDB will run shell scripts in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d on startup.

  • If you're testing locally, and an application which you want to use to send data to InfluxDB can't be set to ignore TLS certificates, change the traefik.http.routers.influxdb-ssl.tls label to false for the InfluxDB container inside docker-compose.yml.

Deploying in Production

  • Set a secure password for Grafana and InfluxDB.

  • Change the METRICS_DOMAIN environment variable in .env to the domain where the application will be hosted.

  • Set the LETS_ENCRYPT_EMAIL environment variable in .env to a valid email that you wish to receive emails about certificates issues to.

  • Uncomment the appropriate CA_SERVER environment variable in .env to use Let's Encrypt's production API.

    There is a limit of 5 certificates per week from Let's Encrypt's production server as stated here. For more info on the Let's Encrypt staging environment and Traefik, check the note under this Traefik docs page.

Useful Commands

Check container logs

sudo docker container logs <CONTAINER NAME OR ID> [--follow]

Attach to a container and use bash within it (useful for InfluxDB database maintenance)

sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER NAME OR ID> bash

Start up the InfluxDB CLI when attached to the InfluxDB docker container

influx --username <InfluxDB username> --password <InfluxDB password>

Delete running containers and their volumes

docker-compose down

Run containers in the background

docker-compose up -d