
Whatsapp floating icon responsive for website, based on html & css only

Primary LanguageCSS

WhatsApp Floating HTML

Whatsapp floating icon responsive for website, based on html & css only

For using this code, copy paste all html to your head before close & paste to your CSS settings. Whatsapp icon using Font Awesome 4.5.0, work on many mobile device.

  <head> ....code here...</head>

You can change values floating icon to left or right in stylesheet.css

        .terbang {
        position: fixed;
        width: 152px;
        height: 40px;
        bottom: 0px;
        left: 13px; #this value change to "right" if wanna float right side
        background-color: #25d366;
        color: #FFF;
        border-radius:5px 5px 0px 0px;
        text-align: left;
        font-size: 27px;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999;
        z-index: 100;

Desktop Version

Mobile Version

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