
Elastic Stack(ELK) with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Under the Hood

  • Spring Boot 2.2.4
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Elasticsearch 7.5.2
  • Logstash 7.5.2
  • Kibana 7.5.2
  • Docker Engine: 19.03.5
  • Docker Compose: 1.24.1


How works ?

  • First of all, if you want change database schema, username or password, look at the .env file in project's root directory.
  • docker-compose reads variables from .env file.
  • If you want see current environment variables, please run this command;
docker-compose config
  • Replace the application's log file path in both application.yml and docker-compose.yml

  • Run the command below to up all docker containers.

docker-compose up --build
  • Run the command below to down all docker containers.
docker-compose down


  • If you have run all the above steps correctly, the following urls will get back response to you.

for Logstash


for Elasticsearch


for Kibana



  • Logstash's config file is in the containers folder in the root directory of the project. Here, "spring_boot_log" is defined as the index. If you have not made any changes, you can see your logs from dashboard by defining this index on kibana url .