
Log "life" of dynamically loadable executables

Primary LanguageC


To compile all code, enter:


any of the tools one wants to use, symlink the *.bash function to somewhere
in PATH; I have $HOME/bin in path, so I do:

    ln -sr log-*.bash $HOME/bin

(then one can mv(1) away the -{num}.bash in $HOME/bin)



Attempt to log start and exit information of execution of dynamically
loadable binary executables.

This is done by adding init and fini functions, and some wrapper functions
to LD_PRELOADable file.

There are wrapper functions for fork, execve and wait* functions.

This catches what it catches; there may be other interesting syscalls
this is not wrapping; some libraries may do calls that are not catchable
by the LD_PRELOAD code this is implementing and finally -- the execve'd
process may not use dynamic loader at all (being "statically" linked).

Anyway, one may find this useful. Try it.

To try it, execute:

    ./log-dlproc-life-973.bash logpfx '.' env env env true

And then execute

    ${PAGER:-less} logpfx.js0n

to examine what got logged.



This is quick addition to "mitigate" the problem with inotify(7) (and
fanotify(7)) which does not (cannot) notice *stat*(2) calls. The code
is "stripped" version of ldpreload-vsfa.so seen elsewhere -- the bash
wrapper is almost identical to the log-dlproc-life version, so
bringing the code here was seen like quick and easy option.

To try it, execute:

    ./log-statopen-974.bash statopens '.' stat /dev/null

And then execute

    ${PAGER:-less} statopens

to examine what got logged.



This attempts to log execve() syscall and execv(), execvp(), execvpe(), and
execl(), execlp(), execle() c library calls (execl*() fn's use execv*() after
wrapped due to varargs...

To try it, execute:

    sh more/execs.c
    ./log-execs-975.bash logexxs '.' ./execs
    rm execs

And then execute

    ${PAGER:-less} logexxs.js0n

to examine what got logged.


The rest references log-dlproc-life. log-statopen can be thought to be
used in many of those cases, too...


Simplest way to "install" is to symlink log-dlproc-life-973.bash
(or more/log-dlproc-life-973.pl, informed below) to somewhere in
$PATH, and leave cloned repository lying around.

That's is how I do it.

(if, someday, we wanted "out of tree" .so build,
 then that has to be thought further...)


Currently subdirectory ./more/ has the following files:

- more/log-dlproc-life-973.pl
  - to do the same as log-dlproc-life-973.bash, using fd 973
    - other shells (I tried) are not capable of redirecting fd's over 9

- more/minenv.sh
  - wrapper to execute commandline with "minimal" environment variables
    - does not change content of those.. but check in the script for more info

- more/sctime.c
  - prints some approximation of the overhead this wrapper uses
    - in my tries on one system showed took 1-2 microsecond for a syscall
    - functions that are not syscalls time was <~100 nanoseconds
  - if floating point accuracy is 10 microsecond in values of >1_000_000_000
    then overhead is so large that the accuracy is good enough
  - compile by executing sh more/sctime.c (writes ./sctime)

- more/execs.c
  - executes all exec* functions ldpreload-log-execs.c wraps