
Ansible role to configure OPNsense firewalls


Ansible role to configure OPNsense firewalls.

This is the RLS fork of the original from https://github.com/naturalis/ansible-opnsense.


  • OPNsense firewall with shell access

Role Variables

An example: https://github.com/naturalis/oss-network-demo/tree/master/ansible/basic

TODO #14 up to date example


sudo apt install python3-lxml
sudo apt install secure-delete (optional)

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: firewalls
  gather_facts: false
  become: false
    - ansible-opnsense

Become on play level is not needed for XML changes on localhost only for tasks to fetch/push config.xml and restart services on OPNsense.

Ansible command

ansible-playbook firewalls.yml -l firewall1 -t user,fetch,copy,reload

Sample Playbook


Other possible usefull ansible roles related to opnsense:


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