
Machinon Domoticz Theme

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Machinon theme & remote server access (RE.MACHINON)

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This is a theme for Domoticz in machinon project. Theme in progress with project machinon: https://github.com/domoticz/machinon

Ideas (wish list)

  • 1.- Custom merge multiple metrics into one tile (ie: energy + trigger switch)

Installing & Updating

We recommend you to use the Theme manager plugin to install and keep up-to-date the theme.

You can also manually install it, in Domoticz theme directory :

cd /home/${USER}/domoticz/www/styles
git clone https://github.com/domoticz/machinon.git machinon
sudo /etc/init.d/domoticz.sh restart

To update it:

cd /home/${USER}/domoticz/www/styles/machinon
git pull

Checking beta

cd domoticz/www/styles
git clone https://github.com/domoticz/machinon.git machinon-beta
cd machinon-beta
git checkout beta

Finally preview:

Idea of theme machinon

Dark Theme Dark Theme

Compact Dashboard with camera Compact Dashboatd camera

New setup layout Suggested new Setup layout - not implemented yet

Cache problems:

A lot of the problems users experience after a Domoticz update are gone when the browsercache and appcache are cleared. There are also quite a number of posts on this forum related to these kind of problems.

To summarize and sorted from little effort to a bit more effort take these steps and check after each step if it address the issues you encounter.

  • First, go to Setup / Parameters / Theme and Click on Reset button and Clear Borwser Cache. If not enought, retry with the Reset Theme button.

  • Clear browser cache and appcache Chrome: chrome://appcache-internals/# Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/storage

  • In www/js look for domoticz.js.gz, if its there remove it, (KEEP domoticz.js !! )

  • Use incognito mode using Chrome [control] [shift] n Firefox: [control] [shift] p

  • Restart domoticz

  • Rename the location of the original installation and install the new version to an empty target directory. Next copy database and scripts from the old location and fire it up. !