
Cloud backup of Windows and Mac OS X workstations

Primary LanguagePython


<2014-15-10> Deployable webapp

[root@lxc] lxc-create -nwebserver -t fedora
[root@lxc] lxc-start -nwebserver -d
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- yum update
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- yum install tomcat maven git -y
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- systemctl start tomcat
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- systemctl enable tomcat
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- git clone https://git.epfl.ch/repo/lxc-python.git /root/mybackup-repo
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- mvn package -f=/root/mybackup-repo/webapp/mybackup/pom.xml
[root@lxc] lxc-attach -nwebserver -- cp /root/mybackup-repo/webapp/mybackup/target/myBackup.war /usr/share/tomcat/webapps
[root@lxc] ./lxcworker/lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 8080 webserver tcp

Done ! You cann acces the server on the private IP ( or public IP (

<2014-10-24 Fri> DNS server => quatrava.mybackup.epfl.ch

<2014-10-10> Built python-augeas for python3

We need this in order to manipulate /etc/hosts file and other..

wget https://github.com/hercules-team/python-augeas/archive/master.zip
python3 setup.py build
python3 setup.py install
yum install augeas-libs

<2014-10-10> Gasparized samba

Clone the container, start it and link the public ip samba ports to the container ip samba ports

[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py cloneAndStartContainer mybackup.golden.10_10_2014 mybackup-2
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 137 mybackup-2 tcp
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 137 mybackub-2 udp
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 138 mybackup-2 tcp
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 138 mybackup-2 udp
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 139 mybackup-2 tcp
[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py addRedirectToContainer 139 mybackup-2 udp
[root@lxc]# lxc-attach -n mybackup-2
[root@mybackup /]#
  • /etc/samba/smb.conf (add or modify)
    security = user
    #passdb backend = tdbsam
    passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://scoldap.epfl.ch
    ldap suffix = o=epfl,c=ch
    ldap admin dn = cn=samba-mybackup,ou=services,o=epfl,c=ch
    ldap ssl = no

Add the ldap password to samba:

[root@mybackup]# smbpasswd -w <password>
Setting stored password for "cn=samba-mybackup,ou=services,o=epfl,c=ch" in secrets.tdb
[root@mybackup]# systemctl restart smb nmb
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 systemd[1]: Starting Samba SMB Daemon...
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 systemd[1]: smb.service: Supervising process 720 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exits.
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 smbd[720]: [2014/10/10 09:55:45.274373,  0] ../source3/passdb/pdb_ldap.c:6529(pdb_ldapsam_init_common)
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 smbd[720]: pdb_init_ldapsam: WARNING: Could not get domain info, nor add one to the domain. We cannot work reliably without it.
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 smbd[720]: [2014/10/10 09:55:45.274525,  0] ../source3/passdb/pdb_interface.c:178(make_pdb_method_name)
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 smbd[720]: pdb backend ldapsam:ldap://scoldap.epfl.ch did not correctly init (error was NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO)
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 systemd[1]: smb.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 systemd[1]: Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon.
oct. 10 09:55:45 mybackup-2 systemd[1]: Unit smb.service entered failed state.

It’s a fail. Apparently, Samba cannot hook to the traditional LDAP authentication mecanism and needs an LDAP with the samba schema:

I should talk to Claude..

<week of 2014-10-06> Cloudy ahead

Added worker and producer scripts which allows to communicate with the servers containing the containers. Only one command implemented..more to come !


  • lxcworker.py - runs on server and waits for commands
    • Launch with
      nohup python3 lxcworker.py &
  • lxcproducer.py - allows to send the command to thje servers and wait for response
    • Launch with:
      python3 lxcproducer.py lxc.server.* getcontainers

<week of 2014-09-29> Python automation scripts

Predrag has added some python scripts for:

  • manipulation of iptables (DNAT routing from public IP to private container IP)
  • clone and start the container
  • add users
  • etc..

This is my first python code, so forgive my camel-case ..

In order to use the scripts you should install python3-iptables from here:

yum install python3-devel -y
unzip  python3.zip
cd python-iptables-python3
python3 setup.py build
python3 setup.py install

You need also:

yum install python3-lxc

You should also install pika for python3. Don’t remember from where I have got it, probably from here.


[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py 
please specify a command from :
   listRulesOnDPort [port]
   deleteRulesOnDPort [port]
   addRedirect [port sourceIP destinationIP]
   addRedirectToContainer [port sourceIP containerName]
   deleteRulesForSourceIP [ip]
   deleteRulesForDestIP [ip]
   cloneAndStartContainer [source_name new_name]
   getContainerIP [container_name]
   addUserToContainer [username container_name]
   listRealUsersInContainer [container_name]
   deleteRedirectToContainer [containerName]


[root@lxc]# ./lxctests.py listRulesOnDPort 548
DNAT from: redirect to

[root@lxc lxcworker]# ./lxctests.py printContainers
   "containers": [
           "centos-1": {
               "name": "centos-1",
               "state": "STOPPED"
           "fedora-1": {
               "name": "fedora-1",
               "state": "STOPPED"
           "mybackup-1": {
               "IPv4": "",
               "IpForwards": [
                       "dest": "",
                       "port": "548",
                       "source": ""
               "MAC": "00:16:3e:9f:a3:09",
               "name": "mybackup-1",
               "state": "RUNNING"
           "mybackup.golden.24_09_2014": {
               "name": "mybackup.golden.24_09_2014",
               "state": "STOPPED"
           "titi": {
               "name": "titi",
               "state": "STOPPED"
           "titi2": {
               "name": "titi2",
               "state": "STOPPED"
   "hostIP": "",
   "hostname": "lxc.novalocal"

<week of 2014-09-22> DNS (because it’s all the effing DNS problem :))

Predrag has installed dnsmasq as the DNS resolver:

  • /etc/dnsmasq-dns.conf
  • /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf
    search epfl.ch novalocal
  • /etc/hosts quatrava.mybackup.epfl.ch pviceic.mybackup.epfl.ch
[root@dns]#  dnsmasq --conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq-dns.conf

<week of 2014-09-22> Gaspar authentication

Predrag has configured pam_ldap for netatalk + gaspar authentication. It works with this build for fc20. I have built this RPM with the instructions from here. Don’t forget to

sudo yum install nss-pam-ldapd -y

You shoud also edit the following files:

  • /etc/nsswitch.conf - add or modify the following lines
    passwd:     files ldap
    shadow:     files ldap
    group:      files ldap
  • /etc/pam.d/netatalk
    auth    required        pam_ldap.so     try_first_pass
    account required        pam_ldap.so     try_first_pass
    session required        pam_permit.so
  • /etc/afp.conf
    ; Netatalk 3.x configuration file
    ; Global server settings
    admin auth user =  root
    uam list = uams_dhx_pam.so uams_dhx2_pam.so
    ; LDAP config
    ldap server = scoldap.epfl.ch
    ldap auth method = none
    ldap userbase = ou=users,o=epfl,c=ch
    ldap userscope = one
    ldap groupbase = ou=groups,o=epfl,c=ch
    ldap groupscope = one
    ldap uuid attr = uniqueIdentifier
    ldap uuid string = xxxxxx
    ldap name attr = uid
    ldap group attr = cn
    basedir regex = /home
    time machine = yes

<2014-09-23> Configured Netatalk + Samba in linux container

Predrag has configured a simple Linux container ( fedora 20) with samba and netatalk runing:

  • The home directory is mounted directly in the container (/home) from a virtual machine over the NFSv3
  • Home directory samba-user is used for samba and afp-user is used for afp
    • Samba access : smb://samba-user@
    • Samba pwd: JGHRlVgXcdg
    • AFP acces: afp://afp-user@
    • AFP pwd: predrag

<2014-09-16 Tue> Sample LXC container

Predrag set up Samba and BURP servers in a LXC container, ready to be copied cookie-cutter style.

Samba access:, user samba-user, password predrag BURP access:, user dominique, password abcdefgh

<2014-09-17 Wed> Backing up from a Mac

Dominique configured his Mac (OSX 10.9.4, French) to back up to the sample Docker container. Reference documentation: on InsanelyMac, on LifeHacker (since getting the script is a pain on both, I attached it below)

  • Need to create a “sparse bundle” first:
    NAME=`scutil --get ComputerName`;
    hdiutil create -size ${SIZE}G -fs HFS+J -type SPARSEBUNDLE -volname 'Time Machine Backups' "${NAME}.sparsebundle"
    • This only succeeds on the local disk; doing that directly on the Samba share fails with “operation not supported” (and hdutil deletes the directory it created before exiting).
    • Setting up the UUID in a plist file as per the script seems to have no effect whatsoever (doesn’t change the fact that sudo tmutil setdestination is required, see below)
  • Then, copy the sparse bundle to Samba:
    mv "$NAME".sparsebundle /Volumes/samba-user/
  • Setting TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes as per the LifeHacker article, seems to no longer have any effect. What does work is to mount the newly created sparsebundle (double-click it in the Finder), then:
    sudo tmutil setdestination /Volumes/Time\ Machine\ Backups/
  • Once this is done, Time Machine remembers all it needs to know and is smart enough to mount the SMB share, then the sparsebundle, upon attempting to start a backup. (You can even see the spinning arrows next to the mounted sparsebundle in the Finder).

Notes for later:

Script as downloaded from InsanelyMac (registration required)

# A bash script to create a time machine disk image suitable for
# backups with OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
# This script probably only works for me, so try it at your own peril!
# Use, distribute, and modify as you see fit but leave this header intact.
# (R) sunkid - September 5, 2009

usage ()
     echo ${errmsg}"\n"
     echo "makeImage.sh"
     echo "	usage: makeImage.sh size [directory]"
     echo "	Create a disk image with a max storage size of <size> and copy it"
     echo "	to your backup volume (if specified)"

# test if we have two arguments on the command line
if [ $# -lt 1 ]

# see if there are two arguments and we can write to the directory
if [ $# == 2 ]
	if [ ! -d $2 ]
 		errmsg=${2}": No such directory"
	if [ ! -w $2 ]
		errmsg="Cannot write to "${2}

NAME=`scutil --get ComputerName`;
UUID=`system_profiler | grep 'Hardware UUID' | awk '{print $3}'`

# get busy
echo -n "Generating disk image ${NAME}.sparsebundle with size ${SIZE}GB ... "
hdiutil create -size ${SIZE}G -fs HFS+J -type SPARSEBUNDLE \
	-volname 'Time Machine Backups' "${NAME}.sparsebundle" >> /dev/null 2>&1

echo "done!"

echo -n "Generating property list file with uuid $UUID ... "

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

echo $PLIST > "${NAME}.sparsebundle"/com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID.plist
echo "done!"

if [ $# == 2 ]
	echo -n "Copying ${NAME}.sparsebundle to $DIR ... "
	cp -pfr "${NAME}.sparsebundle" $DIR/"${NAME}.sparsebundle"
	echo "done"

echo "Finished! Happy backups!"