
This project intends to allow interactive actions with aws-cli using a docker image. It does not impose aws-cli as an entrypoint to let users run other commands if necessary.

To build the image, clone this project and run the following command in its current directory.

docker build --no-cache -t docker-aws-cli .

To use it with your local .aws configuration directory, you can use the following command.

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/home/aws/.aws docker-aws-cli


  • List buckets on S3

In one command

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/home/aws/.aws docker-aws-cli aws s3 ls

or, inside the container

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME/.aws:/home/aws/.aws docker-aws-cli

[aws-cli]$ aws s3 ls