Integrate your blog with YOURLS custom URL generator.
Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- Creates YOURLs links for all content using wp_shortlink
- Saves links to post_meta to reduce server calls
- Easily access link stats from the admin bar
- Only 2 options: domain and api key
- Backup your WordPress database, config file, and .htaccess file
- Upload the zip file to the
directory - Unzip
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Visit the Better YOURLS page under settings to add domain and API key
- Yes.
- I don't know. I haven't tried it.
- Of course! I am in constant need of testers and I would be more than happy to add the right contributor. In addition, I could always use help with translations for internationalization.
- Fix: ShortURL generation will now work better with many social sharing plugins such as Jetpack
- Enhancement: Allow for https access to YOURLS installation for API actions
- Enhancement: Disable short-url creation for specific content types
- Enhancement: Numerous additional hooks for more finer-grained control of URL creation
- Enhancement: Use POST instead of GET for URL creation
- Fix: Better checking of posts before creating a link to avoid issues
- Fix : Spaces should no longer be eliminated from titles
- Enhancement: Allow filtering of post types (credit to domsammut)
- Enhancement: complete refactor for better efficiency and less bugs
- Fixed: Fixed an issue preventing the shortlink from displaying for some URLS (see aaroneaton#1)
- Minor typo fixes and test with version 4.1
- Added hook to generate short url on post transition
- Added get_shortlink hook to cover normal shortlink generation
- No longer try to generate a shortlink in pre_get_shortlink. Just return it if it already exists
- More efficient shortlink creation
- General code cleanup
- Improved URL validation to avoid saving extraneous data
- Minor typo fixes
- Don't generate URLs in admin, wait for the first post view
- Initial Release